Halloween: The Complete Collection Blu-ray Review

In time for the trick or treating season, Michael Myers is back for his favorite holiday with the Anchor Bay Entertainment and Scream Factory release of Halloween: The Complete Collection – which features John Carpenter’s Halloween, Halloween II, Halloween III: Season of The Witch, Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge


Before I Go To Sleep Review

A lot of emotion but not enough screenplay to keep things moving even for the spare 92 minute run time Nicole Kidman gives it her best shot but there is simply not enough going on in Rowan Joffe’s psychological drama to make it work. The lack of plot is aggravated by the bizarre use of

Nightcrawler Review

A flighty but spectacular walk on the mean streets of the new media. Having written the screenplay for “The Bourne Legacy” and other hits, Dan Gilroy apparently decided to take the plunge and try his hand at directing. His debut with “Nightcrawler” may be one of the most spectacularly successful first efforts seen for some

Alisen Down on Gracepoint, a Look Inside

Gracepoint, Fox and Global TV Thursday, 9 PM ET/PT.                                                                                                   The Leo and Gemini award winning actress best known as Battlestar Galactica’s Jean Barolay brings a world of experience to her performance. We spoke with Down.                                                                                                           Broadchurch Alison, did you watch Broadchurch when it first aired in Canada? What did you think? I actually


Jake Gyllenhaal on Nightcrawler – Newsgatherer as Predator

Jake Gyllenhaal ‘s superb performance as a morally challenged TV news cameraman is pure minimalist intensity. His character Lou Bloom is fascinated by true crime and haunts scenes around LA.  Bloom takes his cues from the news videographers he sees vying for the most graphic footage at crime and accident sites.  He realises that taking up

Ruben Östlund’s Force Majeure: Vacationing Family Finds Their Father is a Coward!

The bitingly brilliant Force Majeure is a  dark comedy that shakes the bedrock of conventional  family values, and the social fabric.  Swedish filmmaker Ruben Östlund sets us up with an average family on vacation in the French Alps.  Father, mother and two children are about to enjoy “quality time” with one another, their first chance in a long while,

A Short Chat with Keanu Reeves on Why John Wick Is So Good

John Wick is such a visceral and active film and its about vengeance fulfilled. It’s a good kick in the head! A date movie! I think the movies fun and you go on a ride, certainly a journey. He’s a mythical assassin, he falls in love, gets out of the dark world, and then she dies.

John Cusack Stars in David Cronenberg’s Hollywood Satire Maps to the Stars

                                                                                                     John Cusack broke out young in phenomenally successful John Hughes projects and has managed to sustain a successful career since, more than 30 years. He’s learned a lot of lessons about Hollywood.   And that’s why he lives in Chicago.  We spoke with Cusack during the Toronto International Film Festival about early fame and movie

Diplomacy Review

A friendly discussion of life and death passes the time as the Allies storm the last Nazi defenses of the City of Lights. After watching Volker Schlöndorff’s (Oscar-winning German director of “The Tin Drum”) touching, scary and occasionally funny rendition of an imaginary meeting that decided the fate of Paris you may never watch “My

The Canal Review

Spirits in restrooms, blood from the walls and a hand cranked camera add up to something, but we are not sure what. Film archivist David (Rupert Evans) smells a rat. Maybe it is that his wife Alice (Hannah Hoekstra) seems distracted by her business associate Alex (Carl Shaaban) and seems to be pulling away from