Game of Thrones Season 8 release date information revealed

Game of Thrones Season 8 release date has been a hot topic on social media for a while now. The delay between the final episode of Season 7 and the Season 8 premiere has been hard for fans to deal with. Now, there is finally some news about the Season 8 release date, but it

Ultimate Ninja Warrior exclusive: Mama bear is locked and loaded to attack

The old expression “don’t poke the bear” is played out in the newest episode of Ultimate Ninja Challenge on Discovery, as the contestants come face to face with a bunch of black bears including a fierce mama bear and her cubs. The ninjas know better than to invite a confrontation as nature has the animals

Big Brother 20 spoilers: Who won the Power of Veto during week 9?

Big Brother 20 has gotten off to a good start. Level 6 (now 4) is looking pretty safe for the week, which means that their dream of being final four might be attainable. After Faysal made a mess of his Head of Household and sent Scottie to the jury house, things have become clear for

Jenelle Evan does ‘In My Feelings’ challenge and receives backlash

Jenelle Evans is one of the least popular Teen Mom franchise stars. After years of very public mishaps including drug arrests and her husband being fired from Teen Mom 2, she is attempting to turn her life around. Criticism comes no matter what Jenelle Evans does. She is hounded about how she takes care of