Alien Invasion or Deep Sea Disaster on 10 Ways the World Will End

This week Doomsday: 10 Ways the World Will End asks what would happen if hostile aliens attacked the planet or if the ocean currents stopped their cycle? The Earth being invaded by aggressive aliens has been depicted in endless sci-fi movies. Sometimes these far away visitors are after the Earth itself for resources, other times


Paranormal Lockdown investigates Oliver House and its haunted woods

This week on Paranormal Lockdown, Nick and Katrina are headed to Massachusetts and the 18-century Oliver House. The owners of this historical property is concerned that it might be a danger to potential tourists and have called in the Paranormal Lockdown team to do a Ghostbusters style check on the house. They agree to conduct

Lack of food is the mother of invention and despair on Alone

This week on Alone the eight remaining survivalist struggle to food and have to get creative to feed themselves. One tries his luck with a catapult, but in practice it proves a hard weapon to master….eighteen shots to hit a static target! Another ends up having to wade into the lake in search of fish

Cockroaches, electric fans and vacuum cleaners on My Kid’s Obsession

My Kid’s Obsession is a one-hour special featuring five kids who collect some pretty unusual stuff. There is a boy who collects electric fans, a girl with a lot of cockroaches and a teen who collects rare vacuum cleaners. Electric fans might be practical and great for when the air con goes down but are


Tyara confirms pregnancy on Real World Seattle: Bad Blood

On this week’s episode of The Real World, Tyara confirms her pregnancy and Peter is annoyed with Jenn. Tyara comes home from her doctor’s appointment and is feeling emotional after confirming what she thought last week, that she is pregnant. She struggles to collect her thoughts as she deals with the reality of what her condition means

True grit on Alaskan Bush People and new season next week

On this week’s Alaskan Bush People, as the year ends the Brown’s are glad to have survived what was one of their hardest years so far. With the outside world being responsible for many of their hardships, the family are keen to get back to the bush over the next year. They know the life

Paranormal activity manifests as ailments in Alaska Haunting

Alaska Haunting tells the tale of Tammy Blawat, who was feeling very lucky after securing a great cabin near Wasilla, Alaska. However, Tammy’s joy soon turned to concern as she started to experience some strange physical ailments. After a while she put this down to something about the cabin itself, a presence of force that was