OutDaughtered parents tackle potty training the quints in sneak peek

OutDaughtered has given insiders a look into the challenge of raising multiples. What was supposed to be a special has now turned into a full-fledged reality show. This week, the Busby family will be tackling potty training the quints. Danielle is caught by surprise when the teacher at school mentions that in order for the

Big Brother 20 spoilers: Bayleigh gets reckless with her mouth

Big Brother 20 has kept things interesting. Commentary from live feed viewers and past players have been filling social media. Everything from what is happening in the house to personal attacks on Big Brother houseguests has been discussed. Bayleigh’s behavior has been called into question several times now. A few weeks ago, a conversation she

Jessie Godderz: Who is the Big Brother personality?

Jessie Godderz is a familiar face for Big Brother fans. He has been a staple for almost 10 seasons but only played in two of them. Big Brother 10 was Jessie Godderz’s first appearance on the CBS show. He was the youngest contestant on the show and eventually was evicted before making it to the jury