
Ginger Zee grosses out her fans with her latest climate-friendly endeavor, eating bugs: ‘Are you serious?’

ginger zee selfie from X
Ginger is willing to eat bugs to save the environment. Pic credit: @Ginger_Zee/X

Ginger Zee is willing to go to great lengths to protect the planet.

The Good Morning America meteorologist isn’t shy about her efforts to save the environment.

The 43-year-old GMA personality often shares her environmentally friendly practices on social media with her millions of fans and followers.

But her latest climate-friendly endeavor has her fans gagging.

Ginger took to X (formerly Twitter) this week to announce that she’s on board with a recommendation to consume insects as part of her diet.

Ginger shared an article in her X post, linking to ABC News’ feature titled, “Should people eat insects instead of meat? Experts explain the benefits of bugs.”

Ginger Zee is willing to eat insects to help the climate, but her fans are sickened by the idea

The article talks about the benefits of eating bugs, calling insects a “climate-friendly and nutrient-rich alternative to typical animal proteins.”

Ginger added her take on the movement in her caption, writing, “I am in!”

While Ginger was adamant about adding creepy crawlies to her cuisine, most of her X followers were strongly against the suggestion.

In the comments section of her post, Ginger was met with dissent from her fans who were grossed out by the notion.

“Ginger ginger ginger are you serious[?]” asked @SMarsinko. “You are my role model but eating insects I am sorry I can’t even do this.”

“I still trust you 100 on everything you say and do this makes me sick bout trying that I still want to meet you someday ginger zee I think we need to talk bout this,” the comment continued.

Ginger responded, writing, “Hahaha I get it.”

Another one of Ginger’s followers added, “NFW. Have fun…”

ginger zee's X followers comment on her eating bugs
Most of Ginger’s followers were against her idea. Pic credit: @Ginger_Zee/X

“You can’t tell the difference between cicada mashed potatoes and real mashed potatoes…” joked another X user.

Mark Rutt chimed in, “No we are the top of the food chain we don’t eat bugs,” and Karen Bywaters wrote, “That’s a hard no!”

Others questioned how long Ginger would last eating bugs, and some expressed how grossed out they were by the idea, telling Ginger that insects could be “all hers.”

Tim Edwin Robinson uploaded a gif of Jim Carrey in Dumb and Dumber as he pretended to vomit to convey his distaste for the idea.

Ginger doesn’t mind going to extremes to preserve planet Earth

Eating bugs wouldn’t be Ginger’s first approach to saving the planet. She’s also a proponent of the #NoNewClothes challenge, meaning she hasn’t purchased any new clothing items in two years.

She also grows many of her own fruits and vegetables in her New York home’s garden, opts for bar soap and shampoo that reduces plastic consumption, and is diligent about her family’s toilet paper usage.

Although Ginger’s latest venture has Mother Earth in mind, it’s going too far, as her fans are concerned.

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