
James Charles didn’t go bald or shave his head! New bleached blonde hair accidentally leaked, official reveal coming

James Charles
James Charles is teasing a shocking new look. Pic credit: James Charles/YouTube

James Charles has a new video coming and late last night, he teased fans with a big, big change.

The popular YouTuber and makeup guru has clearly changed up his look but didn’t want to share it quite yet. Instead, he hopped on social media and shared a video that had rainbow emojis covering up his hair.

Upon watching the videos in James Charles’ Instagram stories, it’s easy to see how some could think maybe he shaved his head and that he was getting ready to reveal a new bald look but that is not the case.

James Charles covers up his new hair with rainbow emojis
James Charles wanted to make a big reveal. Pic credit: @jamescharles/Instagram

Instead, it looks like James is getting ready to start a new chapter in his life as a blonde!

Though there were hints of blonde hair in the Instagram stories videos with the rainbow emojis, there were still questions about a possibly bald James Charles until the makeup guru accidentally shared his look with the world a bit early.

It all started on Wednesday, when James shared this tweet, proclaiming, “I made an impulse decision to do something to myself today & I’m filming it and this is probably going to be a huge mistake.”

Then, he accidentally let the cat out of the bag by posting this photo, which was meant for his friends only, to his Instagram stories.

After realizing his mistake, James Charles tweeted, “Omfg I’m so f**king stupid lmao. I tried to post that on my close friends and wasn’t paying attention” followed by three clown emojis.

Even though James took that photo down in hopes of keeping his blonde ambitions a secret, screenshots were taken and his blonde mane was shared before a video of it could be shared on YouTube.

James Charles blonde hair
James Charles is making a huge change to his look. Pic credit: @jamescharles/Instagram

The official reveal of James Charles’ new bleach blonde hair is coming later today. Until then, all we have is this leaked image and from what we’ve seen, he’s going to look quite a bit different with lighter colored locks.

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