
John Cena honored for Make-A-Wish record

John Cena at a news conference
John Cena has made over 650 wishes come true. Pic credit: ©ImageCollect/Carrie-Nelson

John Cena has been honored by the Make-A-Wish Foundation after granting over 650 wishes.

Make-A-Wish Foundation is a nonprofit organization that helps fulfill the wishes of children from ages 2 1/2 to 18-years-old, who are suffering from a critical illness.

John Cena has been honored for holding the highest Make-A-Wish record

Sharing a picture of the professional wrestler, 45, hugging a young boy, WWE tweeted, “@JohnCena has granted more wishes via @MakeAWish than any other celebrity in history #CenaMonth.”

There is no other celebrity in history that has granted over 650 wishes.

Speaking about the Make-A-Wish Foundation, John said in a recent interview, “The reason I love Make-A-Wish so much is because those are those families’ wishes.”

John first made someone’s wish come true in 2002, around three years into his professional wrestling career.

He told People, “My first Make-A-Wish, I was kind of shuffled — it wasn’t for me, I think the person wanted to meet another superstar. But the WWE does a great job of like, ‘Hey, there’s a Make-A-Wish kid in this room. Can you come say hello?’ So, a bunch of people are shuttled in to say hello to a young fan of WWE.”

“So, we’re shuttled in and said my hellos and took my pictures and then left. And they’re like, ‘Thank you, Make-A-Wish thanks you.’ I was like, ‘What is Make-A-Wish?’”

John Cena granted the wish of a fan who fled the Ukraine war

The professional wrestler, 45, went viral earlier this month after surprising a teenaged fan with Down’s syndrome who fled from the Ukraine war.

The fan, who is named Misha Rohozhyn, fled with his mother after his home was destroyed. Due to being John’s “biggest fan”, Misha’s mother told him that he was on an adventure to find John Cena.

However, John actually heard about the story and made sure they found him by traveling to where they were in Amsterdam.

In the video that showed the two meeting, John said, “Misha, very nice to meet ya. I’ve come a long way to see you. I’ve heard many things about you.”

Revealing how Misha’s story impacted him, John explained, “When I read about Misha’s story, it reached out to me. Not just Misha’s story but the story of Misha’s mom as well.”

“It happened three days out from work, right at the time when I read this story, and being an hour away by air, it turned immediately into ‘we’re going’ and that means, spending an afternoon of building blocks and eating cake. That’s a special afternoon when it comes to the new friends I was able to meet.”

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