
Kanye West deleted all his posts after coming off 24-hour ban on Instagram

kanye west at wall street journal event
Following his 24-hour Instagram ban, Kanye West has removed all his Instagram posts. Pic credit: ©

Rapper Kanye West was hit with a 24-hour Instagram ban several days ago after violating the platform’s policies with attacks against several celebrities.

They included his ex-wife Kim Kardashian’s boyfriend Pete Davidson and comedians Trevor Noah and D.L. Hughley.

Now that West’s Instagram suspension has been lifted, it appears the rapper has removed all posts from his profile page.

Kanye West removes all Instagram posts following suspension

This past Wednesday, Kanye West unleashed a variety of Instagram posts in which he commented about Pete Davidson, D.L. Hughley, and Trevor Noah.

In one post aimed at Noah, he included a racial slur towards the Daily Show host. A post with comments about Hughley included the slur as well.

Other posts went after Davidson, including one in which he called out a 2019 comedy show where Davidson made controversial jokes about having sex with a baby.

The combination of the above resulted in a 24-hour Instagram suspension, with a spokesperson from Meta, the parent company that owns Instagram, saying West had violated the platform’s policies. Once that suspension arrived, a handful of posts remained on Kanye’s page.

As of Thursday evening, the suspension ended, but West had removed all posts from his Instagram page, leaving it completely blank. All that remains now is a link in his bio to the Stem Player he promoted as the only way to listen to his new album, Donda 2.

West’s deletion of his Instagram posts isn’t anything new, though. Kanye typically deleted his various posts attacking Pete Davidson, criticizing the situation with his kids and Kim Kardashian, or even those related to Donda 2 soon after he posted them.

Will Kanye continue to use Instagram?

The past several months have seen a lot of activity from Kanye West on Instagram, as he expressed his thoughts about his divorce from Kim Kardashian, the shared custody of their kids, her dating Pete Davidson, and other celebs.

However, the recent ban from Instagram may have the rapper rethinking his next moves as far as where he expresses those thoughts.

In a tweet by rapper and producer French Montana, he suggested that West might even start his own platform now where he can freely say what he wants to.

french montana has suggestion kanye west
Pic credit: @FrencHMonTanA/Twitter

West currently boasts over 14 million followers on Instagram, making it a powerful promotional tool in his arsenal. So it would be surprising if he moves away from using it.

Based on the recent suspension, it seems he’ll need to be more careful in the way he presents his thoughts to the world on the platform, though.

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