
Neil Patrick Harris sorry for ‘regrettable’ Amy Winehouse meat tray at party over a decade ago

Neil Patrick Harris and Amy Winehouse
Neil Patrick Harris apologized for a cake from 11 years ago of Amy Winehouse’s corpse. Pic credit: © and ©

A tweet from 2011 including an Amy Winehouse “corpse cake” has resurfaced, and Neil Patrick Harris has apologized for the disturbing gag.

The original post, done by Jessie Tyler Ferguson’s now-husband Justin Mikita, showed a photo of a cake that Harris had at his 2011 Halloween party to resemble the corpse of Amy Winehouse just months after the singer died.

“Look who showed up at @ActuallyNPH & @GourmetMD’s Halloween party last night. Looking good,” Mikita originally wrote.

The mangled display, made out of different meats and titled “The Corpse of Amy Winehouse,” showed the late singer with her signature beehive hairdo and a cigarette falling out of her mouth. The figure also included a note that seemingly read, “beef ribs, pulled pork, chicken sausage in a spicy BBQ sauce.”

Neil Patrick Harris’ apology after cake photo resurfaced

Recently, writer Ashley Reed resurfaced the disturbing photo on Twitter from Harris’ party – which has received a multitude of negative feedback from fans on the platform. She has since changed her Twitter profile to private.

“I cannot believe how many very online people over the age of 25 are just now finding out about Neil Patrick Harris’s disgusting Amy Winehouse cake,” she said in her first tweet.

She followed up with another that read, “Yea Neil Patrick Harris quite literally had a cake mimicking Amy Winehouse’s corpse for Halloween soon after she died. I’ve loathed that man ever since.”

After the photo made its way back into the public eye, the How I Met Your Mother star made a statement to Entertainment Weekly regarding the horrifying party choice.

“A photo recently resurfaced from a Halloween-themed party my husband, and I hosted 11 years ago,” Harris told EW. “It was regrettable then, and it remains regrettable now. Amy Winehouse was a once-in-a-generation talent, and I’m sorry for any hurt this image caused.”

Winehouse, known for her 2006 hits such as Rehab, You Know I’m No Good, and Valerie passed away from alcohol poisoning at the age of 27.

Fans outraged to learn about Harris’ Amy Winehouse cake

Whether people knew about it in 2011 or found out after the photo resurfaced, many fans and followers publicly shared how upset they were to see the poor choice made by Harris.

“As an alcoholic, Amy Winehouse’s death shook me to the core. It’s one of the few celebrity deaths that impacted me on a bigger scale + it deeply hurt to see how ppl reacted to her death. I realize this was years ago but JFC this is absolutely disgusting,” one user wrote.

“I don’t care if it was 10 years ago, Neil Patrick Harris getting an ‘Amy Winehouse’s Corpse’ meat platter 3 months after her tragic death is so disturbing. That’s someone’s daughter, friend, loved one, and is undeniably her,” another user wrote.

Tweet about Harris' Amy Winehouse meat platter
Pic credit: @justmeji/Twitter

Many fans said that they can no longer support Harris after finding out about the situation. “I can no longer enjoy a Series of Unfortunate Events on @netflix, and any of his further projects, because I just found out Neil Patrick Harris commissioned a cake of Amy Winehouse’s corpse for a Halloween party. Sub human behavior,” user @MarpyWould wrote.

Although it may have happened over a decade ago, fans are clearly upset to know the actor once thought the display would be acceptable in the first place.

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2 years ago

All of you self righteous Karen’s need to get over yourselves !