
New book alleges the conditions that Kate Middleton set down before joining the Royal Family

Kate Middleton at a random event
A new book alleges Kate Middleton had serious conditions that needed met before marriage. Pic credit: © Admedia

Kate Middleton has been in everyone’s thoughts and prayers this year while she recuperates from her surgery and preventative cancer treatments.

A new book, Catherine, the Princess of Wales: A Biography of the Future Queen, will be released in August of 2024, and new details about her have emerged.

The author, Robert Jobson, has been alleging new things about several royal family members, including King Charles and Prince Wiliam.

As reported by Monsters and Critics, King Charles purportedly worried about Kate and her children’s safety while Prince William personally flew them in their helicopter.

The subject got so heated that King Charles allegedly had Prince William sign a statement acknowledging the risk to their lives and the lineage to the throne should an emergency arise while the family was in the air.

The author alleges that Kate set some firm rules before joining the Royal Family as Prince Williams’s wife.

Kate purportedly had demands she needed to meet before saying yes to Prince William

Most young girls dream of a Prince Charming coming and asking for their hand in marriage. Kate was one of the fortunate few ladies to have that happen when Prince William asked her to marry him.

A new book, coming out in August, details what supposedly happened before Kate agreed to marry Prince William.

Marriage to the prince means that one day Kate will become a queen, which means she can leverage certain things she wants before agreeing to the union.

The Mirror reports that Robert Jobson, the author, revealed some stipulations that Kate wanted before she married her prince.

The author alleges that Kate had some “fundamental rules” before joining the Royal Family, also known as “the Firm.”

These include her wish not to “be pigeon-holed into carrying out particular duties.” She wanted as much maternity leave as she was due, privately and not in the public eye.

The other stipulation seems to pertain to her charities and patronages. The author Robert Jobson wrote, “She wanted to offer her patronage only to charities close to her interests and delve into the purpose with in-depth study.”

These allegations seem to ring true. Kate is a private person with her health, and that privity flows down to her children. She wants to give them as much of an everyday life as possible.

She also studies her charities in depth and wants to know their intricacies before she is willing to put her name on them.

Prince William and Kate showcase a charity that helps babies

On their X (formerly known as Twitter) account, the royal couple recently shared about a charity they are helping launch. The Baby Bank Alliance allows families in the United Kingdom with young children and babies to receive help.

Prince William and Kate have stayed true to their core values of charity and helping others.

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