PitMad is here for its second of three go-arounds in 2019. For those who have not heard of it, #PitMad 2019 is a chance for unagented writers to pitch queries on Twitter in 280 characters or less.
However, for those who might see this as a chance for their big break, the event comes with warnings. Here is a look at PitMad 2019 and what you should understand about the event.
Happy #pitmad day, everyone! Full details at https://t.co/49Nms6EJGg
Please direct all questions directly to @pitchwars
We're going to link important threads in reply to this tweet.
— Pitch Wars (@PitchWars) September 5, 2019
What is PitMad 2019?
#PitMad is the hashtag which was established in 2012. The rules are simple.
If a writer has no agent but has a completed, polished, and unpublished manuscript ready, they can write a 280-character pitch to try to sell agents on the work.
Every writer without an agent is invited to pitch at this event. Once they pitch, agents involved in #PitMad respond to the pitches by favoriting the pitch tweets.
When an agent favorites the tweets, they are requesting more information from the writers with the chance of representation.
Writers are asked to tell friends and family not to like their pitch tweets to allow the agent’s likes to remain noticeable. Instead, sharing and retweeting are recommended for friends to show their support.
All authors are asked to have completed and polished manuscripts ready to send to the agent if they request it. If the manuscript is not completely ready, writers are asked to wait until the next #PitMad to submit a pitch.
There were three dates in 2019 that #PitMad took place: June 6, Sept. 5, and Dec. 5.
A writer can pitch multiple manuscripts during the day (8 am. – 8 p.m. EDT) but are asked to only send out three total tweers for each pitch during the day.
Other rules include:
- Include the #PitMad hashtag and an age category sub-hashtag (see this page for hashtags)
- You may include multiple genre or additional hashtags as they apply
- Do NOT attach pictures unless it’s an illustration for a Picture Book, Graphic novel, or other material that includes illustrations.
- Do NOT include links
When an industry professional likes your pitch, go to their recent tweets to learn how to respond to them. Make sure to send the submission as soon as possible.
Warnings for PitMad 2019
For writers looking for representation, #PitMad is not a substitution for querying agents on a professional basis.
For one thing, there are no limitations to which companies could respond to a writer’s pitch and ask for a submission. Not all responses are legit and there could be scammers trying to trick writers.
It is up to the writer to research the agent or publisher. Remember, if a publisher asks a writer to pay to publish their work, they are not a legitimate publishing company.
If a company or agent responds, a person is not required to respond to them or consider working with them.
Furthermore, a tweet is nowhere near long enough to properly pitch a novel. Make sure when the legitimate agents respond that you have a professional quality, well-revised query letter to send them as a proper introduction.