
Queen ‘rebuked’ Meghan over ‘tiara tantrum,’ told Harry that Duchess of Sussex ‘gets what she’s given by me’

Queen Elizabeth in pink
The Queen “rebuked” Meghan after she allegedly threw a tantrum because royal aides refused to let her have a tiara she wanted for her wedding. Pic credit: ©

The Queen “scolded” Meghan Markle when she threw a tantrum because royal aides wouldn’t let her have the tiara she wanted for her wedding, according to a royal expert.

Royal biographer Andrew Morton, author of Meghan: A Hollywood Princess, claimed that the Duchess of Sussex clashed with senior royal aides ahead of her wedding to Prince Harry in May 2018. The clash caused tensions within the Palace, and the Queen had to intervene.

“In November 2018, just days after the couple returned from their successful tour Down Under, The Times reported that Meghan had thrown a ‘tiara tantrum’ shortly before her wedding because the tiara she wanted to wear was not available,” Morton wrote in the Mail on Sunday.

“Her primadonna behavior apparently earned a rebuke from the Queen herself, who told Harry: ‘She [Meghan] gets what tiara she’s given by me,'” Morton added.

Meghan insisted on having the tiara she wanted

Monsters & Critics reported that multiple sources gave different accounts of the so-called “tiara tantrum” incident.

The sources include Dan Wootton in a piece first published in The Sun, royal biographers Omid Scobie and Carolyn Durand in Finding Freedom, and Robert Jobson in Charles at Seventy.

According to some sources, Harry accompanied Meghan to Buckingham Palace weeks before their wedding in May 2018 to chose her wedding tiara from the Royal Collection. When Meghan chose the tiara she wanted, royal aides reportedly told her she couldn’t have it and that she would have to choose another.

Meghan insisted and Harry intervened when Palace aides stood their ground. The Duke of Sussex’s intervention led to a row.

Scobie and Durand claimed in Finding Freedom that Angela Kelly, a senior aide who kept the Queen’s tiaras and jewelry, was the Palace official who clashed with Harry.

The authors claimed that Harry lost his temper when Kelly ignored repeated requests to let Meghan access the tiara she wanted. During a heated exchange with Kelly, Harry allegedly used offensive language.

Harry was ‘irate’ when Meghan couldn’t get the tiara she wanted

Morton claimed that Harry was “overwrought” and “irate” when aides refused to allow Meghan access the tiara she wanted. The Duke reportedly lost his temper and declared, during a shouting match with an aide, that “What Meghan wants, Meghan gets.”

According to Morton, Harry appeared to have believed that senior Palace aides were uncooperative because they disliked Meghan.

Unfortunately, his outburst did Meghan no favors. Rather, it helped to promote a Palace narrative that cast Meghan in a bad light.

The Queen ‘banned’ Meghan from borrowing royal tiaras and jewelry

The Queen and Prince William reportedly felt so concerned about Meghan’s alleged “tiara tantrum” that they agreed to ban her from borrowing from the Queen’s royal collection, according to royal expert Dan Wootton.

Writing in the Daily Mail, Wootton claimed the Queen warned Harry about Meghan’s “behavior” and “attitude.”

However, based on accounts that claimed it was Harry who got into a heated exchange with royal aides, it was not clear why it was Meghan who bore the brunt of the Queen and William’s displeasure.

However, multiple royal watchers, including Wootton, noted that William always had reservations about Meghan and that he’d warned Harry not to “rush his relationship” with the former American actress.

William reportedly continued to be suspicious of Meghan’s motives after she married Harry.

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