
R. Kelly’s fiancee Joycelyn Savage to publish tell-all book about their relationship

R. Kelly
R. Kelly’s fiancee is set to release her own tell-all book. Pic credit: © Roth/StarMaxWorldwide

Joycelyn Savage, the alleged fiancee of R. Kelly, announced she will be publishing her own tell-all book on Saturday that will give an insight into her longtime relationship with the R&B singer.

Savage, 26, wrote an email to The New York Post to reveal the news of her new book release.

She confirmed the title of the book would be called “Love and Joy of Robert” and will show her side of the story in terms of her relationship with R. Kelly, whose full name is Robert Sylvester Kelly.

“All I can say is that it is about Robert, the beginning of my life in Robert’s shadow, where things began to take off, and where they are currently going,” she revealed to The Post.

When it comes to clarifying whether or not she and R. Kelly are actually engaged, Savage neither confirmed nor denied. “Everything will be answered in my book,” she revealed.

R. Kelly was recently sentenced to 30 years in prison after he was found guilty of nine counts of racketeering, bribery, and sex trafficking charges.

Joycelyn Savage previously claimed R. Kelly was her fiance

Although she may not be revealing much detail on the upcoming book release, she previously referred to R. Kelly as her fiance in a letter she sent to a federal judge in an attempt to lower his 30-year sentence.

Savage wrote “I’m Robert Kelly’s fiance” before going into detail about their relationship while also claiming she was “not the victim” the government portrayed her to be.

“He’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. We have a very special connection and are deeply in love. I still support Robert to this day because I love him and will always be here to support him,” she wrote.

“Robert is not the monster that the government has described him to be. The Robert I know is very sweet, gentle, and kind. At the end of the day, he has always made sure that I’m taken care of, and any other women he was with as well,” continued Joycelyn.

Joycelyn Savage told her story on R. Kelly in a ‘tell-all’ on Patreon

While Joycelyn may keep her social media uploads to a minimum, she previously shared with her followers that she would be telling her story on the membership platform Patreon.

Joycelyn took to Instagram with a text post that read, “There’s something I need to reveal, something I’ve should’ve talked about a long time ago. This is my story!”

She later shared a video to show that she had partnered with Patreon and would be sharing daily chapters of her story on the platform. 

“Things I am going to reveal that was sweared not to see the day of light — by NDA. I am risking my life for many others,” she said.

Joycelyn went on to reveal many insights on her relationship with the R&B singer, including how they met when she was 17, and he told her she would be the “next Aaliyah.”

She also shared that R. Kelly was demanding at the beginning of their relationship and would make her call him names such as “Master” and “Daddy.”

Seems like there will be even more “tea” to be spilled when her tell-all book is released on Saturday, according to her claims.

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