See the haunting Instagram posts rapper Lil Peep put up before he died

Lil Peep in an Instagram video
Lil Peep in a video he posted not long before he passed away. Pic: @lilpeep/Instagram

Rapper and YouTube star Lil Peep has died from a suspected overdose — after posting a string of haunting Instagram posts in the lead-up to his death.

The 21-year-old musician — real name Gustav Åhr, and originally from Long Beach, New York — is reported to have been taken to hospital after taking prescription drugs and other substances.

It came after the up-and-coming singer, who recently released his debut album, posted a string of disturbing posts to his nearly 1million Instagram followers.

In one of the first, he posted a video of himself saying he had taken six Xanax but added: “I’m good, I’m not sick.”

He later put up another with a short video of him, along with a caption saying: “I need help but not when I have my pills but that’s temporary one day maybe I won’t die young and I’ll be happy?”

Another saw him post a picture of a floor with a caption saying: “I just took honey and shrooms”. Honey is a term often used to describe Butane Hash Hoil — a concentrated form of THC, the psychoactive chemical in marijuana.

The term “shrooms”  is often used to describe psychadelic mushrooms. It is not known whether Lil Peep actually took these drugs before his death.

He later put up another Instagram post, with the haunting caption: “When I die You’ll love me.”

His last Instagram post was one of three fans with the caption: “Look at my beautiful fans awwwww.” It came nine hours after he posted a picture of himself with something on his tongue, and the caption: “??fucc it.”

Lil Peep’s manager Chase Ortega revealed he had died in a message on Twitter, saying: “I’ve been expecting this call for a year. Mother f**k.”

Other rappers have been paying tribute to the star following his death. Post Malone said: “Your music changed the world and it’ll never be the same.”

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