
Brick Mansions Blu-ray Review

Although it has a “by the numbers” approach to its plot that takes out any suspense, Brick Mansions features some great action sequences to keep the audience entertained.  Paul Walker and David Belle have solid chemistry as reluctant partners thrown together to take down a vicious drug kingpin played to the hilt by RZA. Directed


Recap: BravoTV’s “Below Deck” Broken Whiskey Bottle Edition

I think a lot of last season’s viewers tuned back in to BravoTV’s “Below Deck” tonight for the highly anticipated return of last season’s star, Adrienne Gang. And she did not disappoint. Upon seeing her on the beach, Eddie simply turned and ran away, jumped back in the tender and went back to the boat.


Field of Lost Shoes Reviewed

Grim scenes of slave auctions in Virginia, circa 1860’s take us right back to a callous, entitled time in the southern US when many households owned slaves. The southern Confederates were at war with the northern Unionists over statehood and lifestyle choices of the past few hundred years including their right to own human beings.


Music Review: Slash and The Conspirators ‘World On Fire’

You know what. Normally I hate Mondays. They represent the start of another week of work and drudgery and when I was a kid it meant school. Eeew. This past Monday was a little different though. The path has been clawed out in rock and roll granite and the gods of Hard Rock smiled on


Recap: Bravo’s “Below Deck” Pillow Stain-Gate

Oh Kat, you were doing so well this season! I actually thought you had learned a little bit of professionalism and decorum on Season One of Bravo’s “Below Deck.” But I was wrong. Between the audio porn show you and Ben put on for most of the crew and the white spot the two of


Recap: The Real Housewives of New Jersey, Amber Alert

What the hell was that? I just sat through the biggest waste of time watching “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” on Bravo. The whole episode could have been condensed into 10 minutes and been far more interesting. They should have done a barf-bag insert in “People Magazine” this week like the scratch&sniff one they


Recap: BravoTV ‘Below Deck’ #PenisGate

More than a third of tonight’s “Below Deck” episode on BravoTV was dedicated to #PenisGate. No, seriously. Last week, the yacht’s seriously unprofessional, resting-bitch-face Chief Stew made a penis-shaped blanket on the primary guest’s bed (possibly offensive since he’s gay?) and tonight we got to see it… over and over. With everyone’s reactions. Here’s the

Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace Talk The Drop – and Fight Over Rocco.

Tom Hardy and Noomi Rapace star in the noir crime drama The Drop, which is also James Gandolfini’s last film. You can cut the tension with a knife as various crime elements conspire to take hold of a Brooklyn bar and neighbourhood.  Hardy plays a soft hearted bartender who imagines himself to be the moral

The Congress Review

A great cast gives it their all but are sampled one time too many by Ari Folman’s sci-fi monster. Screened at the 40th Seattle International Film Festival, Ari Folman’s follow-up to his Oscar nominated “Waltz with Bashir” is an engaging live action-animation hybrid that runs a hard race but fails to make the big score.