Bastian Yotta gets on the wrong side of Patti Stanger on this week’s Million Dollar Matchmaker — but who is the flamboyant German tycoon who only wants a picture-perfect woman?
Yotta angers Patti after a networking evening sees him asking a woman why she doesn’t want bigger breasts. He then ends up secretly filming Patti with his mobile phone when the pair get into an argument about the way he views women.
But Yotta is no stranger to controversy, after previously revealing how he and his then wife Maria — who he said was “hotter than Pamela Anderson” — would spend $100,000 a month on supercars, shopping trips, outrageous parties, and boob jobs for her.
Yotta is a self-made millionaire who now works as a life-coach and “social-media motivator”.
He lives in Hollywood, and runs his own websites Yotta Style — where he sells “Money Magnet” merchandise — and Yotta Camp, through which he runs seven-day coaching camps where he teaches people to be more like, well, him.
It costs $2,500 a week and includes lessons like “how to become a real moneymagnet” and “how to transform your body with only 20 min workout a day”.
Yotta has a big fan-base on Instagram with nearly 700,000 followers, although his account — which shows off his decadent lifestyle — is currently set to private.
The tycoon and his former wife have previously told how they were forced to leave Germany for being too flashy. He appeared with her on Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles last year, arriving at a potential property in his Superman-themed Rolls-royce Wraith.
He has previously told how he used to be “poor, fat and unhappy” before turning things around to live a new lavish life. Yotta and Maria have since split up — hence his appearance on Million Dollar Matchmaker.
Million Dollar Matchmaker airs Fridays at 10/9c on WE tv.
check out @yottahunterthree for the truth about him. also just google his name and click on news and you will find out all the information.