Big Brother rumors have been floating around for a while that Swaggy C and Bayleigh Dayton were married. Well, the couple sat down to do a video where they confirmed the news to fans.
In the video shared below, Chris “Swaggy C” Williams and Bayleigh Dayton — who were both members of the Big Brother 20 cast — show off their rings and reveal just how long that they have been husband and wife.
It turns out that the BB20 showmance couple didn’t waste a lot of time and actually got officially married back in February 2019. This means that they are almost ready to celebrate a one-year wedding anniversary, possibly even with an official ceremony to go along with it.
This finally answers a lot of questions that fans have had, including whether there had been a secret ceremony that people had just missed. The couple also revealed that they got married on Swaggy’s birthday, which is on February 17. Bayleigh stated that they “want to go big” with an official ceremony, so they are waiting to do it.
Some of the video was also spent with the couple expressing their love for each other and stating that they didn’t understand why so many people doubted that love. Bayleigh also went on to say that they would definitely be having a big 2020 wedding and that they didn’t get married because she is pregnant — putting other rumors to bed.
A look back at Big Brother 20 season
In regard to their time in the Big Brother house, Swaggy C was actually the second person evicted during the summer 2018 season. Bayleigh stayed in the game several weeks longer, making it to the BB20 jury.
Bayleigh had a chance to get back in the game through a jury competition, but she lost out to Scottie Salton, who got a second chance in the game.
Bayleigh and Swaggy C were reunited during the season finale, where Swaggy C got down and asked Bayleigh to marry him. She said yes and it became a huge moment for the finale. That was moments before Kaycee Clark was named the Big Brother 20 winner.
Big Brother will return with new episodes on CBS during summer 2020.
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