Big Brother 20 is already in week 11. A lot has changed since the beginning and with only seven competitors left, the game is about to get a lot more cutthroat.
Scottie was sent back to the jury house last night with a unanimous vote to evict him from the Big Brother house. Haleigh was sitting on the block next to him but throughout the week, it was revealed that their target was Scottie.
The Head of Household competition was over incredibly quick. Kaycee and Brett were both moving with incredible speed, something Big Brother fans haven’t seen from either of them this season.
Kaycee Clark came out victorious to win the Head of Household competition for week 11. Now, she will be tasked with nominating two houseguests for eviction. Of course, Level 6 (now 4) was feeling good knowing she would be controlling the house this week.
With only seven players left and Kaycee’s obvious loyalty to the other three in her alliance, the choices for nominations are slim. Of the three outsiders, it is a crapshoot regarding who she is going to nominate.
When the feeds went down while the nominations happened, Big Brother viewers wondered who would be on the memory wall when the live feeds returned.
As many assumed would happen, it was Haleigh and Sam on the block when the feeds came back up. This isn’t the end of the rope for either as the Power of Veto competition will be played at some point tomorrow. Will either of them be able to save themselves for another week?
Remember, next Thursday is the live double eviction that Kaycee Clark isn’t allowed to compete in. This has been something Big Brother fans have been looking forward to all season. When that happens, there will only be five players left in the house.
Big Brother airs Sunday and Wednesday nights at 8/7c and Thursday nights at 9/8c on CBS.
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