Big Brother 2019 spoilers coming from the live feeds reveal that HOH Christie Murphy has two targets for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.
Information from early Friday morning might just shake up what a large alliance in the house had been planning. It could also lead to Christie turning against Jack Matthews if she decides to stand up for herself.
Christie won the Head of Household position during the second episode of the season. Then, she nominated two people for eviction, with that information coming out on the live feeds.
BB21 nominations and Veto results
Christie nominated Kathryn Dunn and Cliff Hogg III. The two nominees then got a shot to save themselves at the Week 1 Veto Competition.
The #BB21 HGs sure seem to be getting cozy. ?
Watch more moments like this on the Live Feeds: https://t.co/V7NkJ0ScYC pic.twitter.com/vDY8RQeJxW
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 28, 2019
Sam Smith won the Power of Veto, which works well for Christie, as she is in an alliance with him. The problem, though, is that Christie is having second thoughts about the replacement nominee.
Two Veto Ceremony plans
Kemi Faknule has been discussed a lot as a backdoor target for the first Eviction Ceremony. The plan would be for Sam to use the POV and for Christie to then place Kemi on the block.
There are enough people already in place to send Kemi out of the house this week. Christie is getting nervous about it, though, as she really wants Kathryn out and she feels she is helping Jack with what he wants.
Christie was seen on the live feeds having a discussion with Tommy about not backdooring Kemi but she got even more nervous about turning a majority of the house against herself. Maybe she started realizing what fans on social media suspect?
Wait, WHO is in our alliance? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/IaQFVHrcmM
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 28, 2019
It would definitely continue to place Big Brother 2019 in a negative light if Kemi Faknule followed David Alexander out the front door. David was the person banished by Jackson Michie, leading to a social media discussion on racism.
The plan still appears to be that Sam Smith will use the Power of Veto, Christie Murphy will choose Kemi Faknule as the replacement nominee, and that Kemi gets evicted by the BB21 cast. But Christie still has time to change course.
Big Brother 2019 airs Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights on CBS.
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