Big Brother 21 spoilers from the live feeds reveal who was nominated for eviction this week.
Following the West Coast viewing of Episode 2, the producers finally turned on the CBS live feeds coverage. It allows subscribers to catch up with what happens inside the house.
The way it works each season is that the houseguests start playing the game a few days before the television premiere. This allows time for footage to be pre-taped for the first few episodes. It also means that a lot can happen before it is even shown on CBS.
A quick recap
Before the live feeds got turned on, two episodes aired on CBS. During Episode 2, it was revealed that Christie Murphy had won the first HOH Competition. She then had to nominate two people for eviction.
LIVE FEEDS ARE NOW OPEN! Head over to the #BBLF now for Big Brother fun, all summer long: https://t.co/V7NkJ0ScYC #BB21 pic.twitter.com/TVgOB3Aht1
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 27, 2019
Jackson Michie was voted to be the Camp Director. With that title, he gained safety for the first week, but he was likely already protected by his alliance with Christie.
Because of Jackson’s choices as the Camp Director, David Alexander was banished from the house. He may get a chance to return at a later date, but that day has not yet arrived.
Who are Week 1 Big Brother 21 nominees?
Christie Murphy nominated Kathryn Dunn and Cliff Hogg III for eviction.
Heard that before. ? #BB21 #BBTommy pic.twitter.com/fHpphprTiC
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) June 27, 2019
Information could be coming out over the next few nights. The open live feeds should certainly lead to more Big Brother 21 spoilers revealed before the Sunday night episode airs on CBS.
The houseguests nominated for eviction have a chance to save themselves during the Power of Veto Competition. As revealed on the live feeds, nobody has won the Veto yet.
Big Brother begins the summer 2019 season on CBS with episodes on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Sunday nights.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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