Big Brother 22 return date projections hint at just how close the show is to coming back for its summer 2020 installment.
Yes, Big Brother has already been renewed by CBS. Casting is also still open for people who might want to become a part of the BB22 cast.
The process of putting that new season together started a while ago, but at least we know that Robyn Kass is working on getting the right people and that Julie Chen Moonves is returning as the host.
The unfortunate piece of news is that we don’t yet know the official Big Brother 22 start date. That’s not the end of the world, though.
It’s easy to guess at which dates are the most likely for that 2020 season premiere.
Big Brother 22 return date projections
Remember, this is just a guess, but we are going to predict that the Big Brother 22 start date is Wednesday, June 24, at 8/7c on CBS.
Saying goodbye to that New Year’s resolution like… ?✌️ #BigBrother pic.twitter.com/xdbR99Z5jM
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) January 15, 2020
So why do we like that day? It’s the last Wednesday in June, which is what recent seasons of the show have aimed for as a premiere date. It also gives the show a chance to air the second episode on Thursday, June 25.
Finishing out more than a week of the competition before the Fourth of July holiday could draw in viewers and ensure that CBS has a hit on its hands again this summer.
Keep in mind that the BB22 cast members will start playing the game roughly a week before the season premiere even airs — so the first episode is mostly going to consist of taped footage from inside the house.
With Celebrity Big Brother getting canceled this year, it has made the wait between the Big Brother 21 finale and the Big Brother 22 premiere seem even longer. That can’t be helped, but at least the new season will take place in the current calendar year now.
Stay tuned, because we will make sure to pass on any BB22 cast information, hints at the house tour, or possible twists that will be used to draw interested viewers back to CBS this summer.
Big Brother will likely air on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights during summer 2020 on CBS.
All episodes of Big Brother are now streaming on Paramount+. Try it FREE!
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