Big Brother live feed updates from Monday reveal the Veto Ceremony results. These BB21 spoilers impact who is on the block for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony.
Over the weekend, Jackson Michie won the Power of Veto. He was already the Head of Household as well, so he had to decide if he wanted to keep his nominations the same.
As seen during Episode 24, Jackson nominated Christie Murphy and Analyse Talavera for eviction. His plan was to get Christie out of the house, as he felt she was the one working hard to get him out.
Christie and Analyse had one last idea to try to shake things up. They approached Tommy Bracco about him convincing Holly Allen (in a showmance with Jackson) to get the HOH to use the POV. The plan would be to then use Nicole Anthony as a replacement nominee and send her to the BB21 jury.
TFW they start catching onto you. #BBAD #BB21 pic.twitter.com/v23jc2KaQF
— Orwell (@BBADOrwell) August 19, 2019
Big Brother live feed updates: Veto Ceremony results
On Monday morning, Jackson hosted the Veto Ceremony, giving Christie and Analyse a chance to state why they should be saved from the block. They had each been working on their speeches for a while, so it could be an interesting segment for television.
In the end, though, Jackson decided that the best move for his game was to keep the nominations the same. He is too keen on getting Christie out of the house as soon as possible, so he wanted to make sure that she was up against someone more likable than her in the game.
Christie and Analyse are cemented as the final nominees for the week and one of them is about to see their personal game come to an end.
Were you surprised to see who went on the block? #BB21 pic.twitter.com/njqwxYUfMA
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 19, 2019
The next episode of the show is on Wednesday night when producers will reveal to CBS viewers what took place during the Veto Competition and Veto Ceremony.
Then, on Thursday night, an Eviction Ceremony will take place that sends someone to join Kathryn Dunn and Jack Matthews in the BB21 jury house.
Big Brother airs CBS episodes on Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights.
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