Billy Porter best dressed: Pose star rocks Academy Awards red carpet in Christian Siriano velvet tuxedo dress

Billy Porter wearing a tuxedo dress to the 2019 Academy Awards
No one has made an impression on the Academy Awards red carpet like Billy Porter of Pose. Pic credit: Oscars 2019 Official/YouTube

The Oscars red carpet is the biggest celebrity fashion show of the year and no one turned more heads than Billy Porter.

The Pose star showed up to the 91st Academy Awards in a Christian Siriano tuxedo dress and caused so much chatter that many other amazing looks were simply overlooked.

It was a look that Siriano himself was even proud of. As Porter posed on the red carpet, he tweeted, “Shutting the carpet down In a Siriano velvet tuxedo gown! #billyporter at the  @theebillyporter.”

Christian Siriano continued tweeting throughout the red carpet but was so happy with Porter’s look that he had to speak up again, this time tweeting, “Anddddd flip!! @theebillyporter at the  in Siriano and what an honor it was to create this moment! @TheAcademy.”

Billy Porter is known for his gender-fluid style and no one could have rocked that Christian Siriano dress better.

The top half said traditional tuxedo and the bottom half was a full velvet floor-length skirt. It was formal, flashy and Porter pulled it all of perfectly with many calling the Pose star the best dressed Oscars attendee of the night.

Pose fans weren’t completely shocked by Billy Porter’s Oscar dress since he’s known for pushing fashion boundaries. Plus he teased his fashion category on Instagram just yesterday, calling the look “Oscars Runway Couture.”

Billy Porter definitely delivered that Oscar’s Runway Couture, serving up a super formal look that that won’t soon be forgotten.

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