In the seventh season of Game of Thrones, Jon Snow’s true parentage is revealed as his relationship with Daenerys develops. In the upcoming Game of Thrones Season 8, Daenerys and Jon Snow will eventually confront their heritage.
In the finale of the current season, Bran Stark told Samwell Tarley that Jon Snow must know the truth about his heritage, revealing that they are not really brothers. Jon Snow is the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned’s sister Lyanna Stark.
Bran also said that Dornish bastards are named Sand, which will make Jon’s name Jon Sand rather than Jon Snow.
However, Samwell Tarley revealed that Rhaegar and Lyanna married in secret, which means that Jon Snow was not a bastard and he is in fact, Aegon Targaryen and has the most legitimate claim to the Iron Throne.
While this bombshell is revealed Daenerys and Jon Snow make love and may potentially have a child in Season 8 of Game of Thrones complicating things further.
What happens when Jon Snow and Daenerys find out they’re related?
Targaryen’s have practiced incest for many generations to maintain the purity of the bloodline. Therefore, if Jon Snow and Daenerys find out that they’re related, the incestuous nature of the relationship will be the least of their worries.
Jon Snow has pledged loyalty to Daenerys and it is unclear how learning about his heritage will affect their relationship. Regardless, they still have to face The Night King and his army in Season 8.
Does Jon Snow have a greater claim to the throne that his aunt Daenerys? How will Jon’s heritage affect their relationship?
Game of Thrones Season 8 arrives in 2019 and we will have to wait for the final season to get the answers.