Fans want to know how to vote on Big Brother this week, as America’s Prankster is going to cause some havoc. As revealed by host Julie Chen Moonves during Thursday night’s episode, this is going to be a fun week.
Earlier in the evening, Analyse Talavera was evicted on a 5-1 vote. It was a big deal because many viewers thought that Christie Murphy was going to be sent to the BB21 jury.
Then, near the end of the episode, Holly Allen won the latest Head of Household Competition. Holly took the power in the house and is safe for the week, but this is Prank Week.
Julie told viewers that it would be up to the fans to decide who would split the HOH power with Holly this week. This isn’t something that Holly is aware of, so it will be a shocking revelation inside the game.
It’s your chance to select a Houseguest to be a Prankster! The winner of the vote will prank the HOH by secretly controlling one of this week’s nominees. Vote now: https://t.co/FpCHXuOg5x #BB21 pic.twitter.com/PHednymqhZ
— Big Brother (@CBSBigBrother) August 23, 2019
How to vote for Big Brother America’s Prankster
A voting portal has been set up for fans to choose someone from the BB21 cast to become America’s Prankster. Everyone has until 9 a.m. PT on the morning of Friday, August 23 to place up to 10 votes (each day).
More information will likely be revealed later about how the pranking is going to work, but Julie stated that this person is going to take half of the HOH power. It means that they will get to name one of the nominees for eviction.
This is something that could really shake up the game, especially since it is never easy to predict what America is going to do next. Will the fans choose someone like Christie Murphy to partner up with Holly? Or will a fan-favorite like Nicole Anthony finally be given some power inside the Big Brother 21 house?
Big Brother airs episodes on Sundays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays each week.
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