When Prison Break returned last week, we were left with a number of questions.
One of the biggest surrounded Michael Scofield’s new alias Kaniel Outis.
As viewers will recall, Kaniel Outis was the name sewn into the jacket that Michael was supposedly buried in.
But it is also the name he is known under at Ogygia Prison in Yemen, where his brother Lincoln traced him to in the Season 5 premiere.

“Kaniel Outis”, when we first meet him in Episode 1, denies being Michael and says he doesn’t know who Lincoln is.
Footage from Season 5 Episode 2 shows that he is apparently wanted by the CIA and FBI for “the killing of a senior CIA official” and “numerous bombings” — and is also a “known terrorist with ties to ISIL”.
The question is, how did Michael Scofield not only cheat death, but also come to be Kaniel Outis?
Here’s one theory…
The last time we saw Michael in Season 4 was when he broke his wife Sara out of prison, but had to stay behind to allow her to escape.
He was bleeding from the nose at the time and having issues surrounding his brain aneurysm.
What happened after the prison break? There are a few possibilities.
The original four-season run of of the show saw Michael and Lincoln on the run from The Company, a corrupt corporation which seemed to have a far reach when it came to national and international politics.
They also had reasons for wanting Lincoln dead.
By the close of the series it seemed like the brothers had gotten the best of The Company and brought the head of it to justice.
But like Hydra in the Marvel Universe, these companies could have many heads.
We also saw Michael and Lincoln have a difficult time with the FBI, who were determined to see Sara serve her time.
What if The Company or some arm of US intelligence had Michael fake his death and had him sent into the Yemen prison system to run some sort of black op under an alias…
The alias of Kaniel Outis.
If the first four seasons of Prison Break showed us anything, it was that Michael would just about do anything to protect his older brother and ensure that Sara is okay.
So it would not beyond the realm of possibility that some variant of The Company used his family as leverage to get him to do their bidding.
Add to this the fact that once Lincoln figured out that his brother was most likely still alive, various unknown assailants were out to kill him — but also tried to get Sara out of the way as well.
We also need to learn who sent the envelope containing Michael’s photo to T-Bag.
I personally think it was Michael. He knew T-Bag would likely still be in prison, but probably would not have known where Sara and his brother Lincoln had relocated to.
It will be interesting to watch this show as it moves forward to find out if I am right about Kaniel Outis being a fake identity that Michael has engineered for a black op.
Given what we have seen in the season teaser, it looks like Michael is in the prison in Yemen to break someone out…
Prison Break airs Tuesdays at 9/8c on Fox.