Scott and Lizzie have been one of the more controversial couples from the Love After Lockup franchise. The two have been on the show since the beginning, only meeting in the real world when Season 2 began.
A lot has happened since Love After Lockup aired last night, though that shouldn’t be surprising. In fact, social media has been buzzing between the two for several weeks. Now, some of the past events are beginning to make sense.
What are Scott and Lizzie up to now?
So much has changed since Love After Lockup viewers met this couple on Season 1. Their relationship was headed for doom almost immediately. Scott was broke and had yet to tell Lizzie as she went on spending his money.
When it came to a head on the Season 2 finale of Love After Lockup, Lizzie was ready to split. She offered Scott the engagement ring back, which he, in turn, flushed down the toilet (or so viewers were made to believe). He went home to California and she remained in Wisconsin.
Lizzie went on to get a job and an apartment while Scott went home to deal with getting himself out of debt. That was the final update that was given at the end of Love After Lockup’s Season 2 finale, though that wasn’t the end of everything.
What happened following the first breakup?
If you thought that the mess between Lizzie and Scott couldn’t get any more complicated, you would be wrong. Over the last several months, both of them have gone to Instagram with information about the other.
At one point, Lizzie accused Scott of cheating on her with another woman who popped up in his Instagram stories. He played it off that the woman was stalking him and ended up apologizing profusely to Lizzie. As it turns out, that woman was Jasmine, the one viewers met last night on the season finale of Love After Lockup.
Lizzie is adamant that she reconciled with Scott and the two were together when all of this went down. She had done several Instagram videos confirming the two were still together and that she was still in possession of the engagement ring. If it was flushed down the toilet, how did she have it?
In real time, the two are currently broken up. Lizzie posted a video on Instagram telling Scott’s girlfriend Jasmine that they broke up as of last night. She reportedly saw this woman as viewers did when the episode aired. It is unclear if there will be another reconciliation or if Lizzie is done with Scott for good this time.
Love After Lockup will return this summer on WEtv.