Peggy Sulahian on husband Diko: ‘I only let my guard down with him’

Peggy in a confessional on The Real Housewives of Orange County
Peggy on last night’s episode of The Real Housewives of Orange County

RHOC star Peggy Sulahian has praised her relationship with husband Diko — saying she only ever completely lets her guard down when she’s with him.

The new Real Housewives of Orange County star has been criticized for her “resting bitch face”  on the show this season.

But she says the reason her co-stars — especially Tamra Judge — think she’s always looking sour is because she is always in “defensive mode” when she’s around them.

However, she said when she is with wheel tycoon Diko — that’s when her fun side comes out. And she hopes that over time the other ladies will start to discover that in her too.

She said in a blog post: “The only time I completely have my guard down is when I’m with Diko. It’s when I have the most fun, and express my fun personality the best.”

She added that she believed the secret to a long-lasting marriage was having fun, and that’s why she persuaded to pull the “butterfly” prank in last night’s episode.

It saw him flapping his hands in front of his face to a waitress, pretending to be a butterfly, which some viewers found awkward.

She said: “When I’m with Diko, it’s when I get to express who I really am. The only reason the girls think I have a resting bitch face is because my guard is up all the time.

“I’m always in defensive mode with them, but all it takes is a little warming up to me.”

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Mondays at 9/8c on Bravo. 

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