Amid possible TWD spoilers for the season premiere, Greg Nicotero has teased a The Walking Dead Easter egg designed for horror fans. It appears to be a fun nod to one of his favorite movies.
While speaking with Entertainment Weekly about the Season 11 premiere, the executive producer of the AMC zombie show spoke about what the upcoming episodes will cover and what could take place.
In addition to talking about the future of actress Danai Gurira on the show (she plays Michonne), he spoke about horror Easter eggs that he has dropped into past episodes of the show.
Well, a good one might be coming to start off this season, as viewers will see The Walking Dead cast near the water. That makes it a prime opportunity to reference one of the best water-related horror films in history: Jaws.
The Walking Dead director reveals Jaws Easter egg in premiere https://t.co/KfZChBcLZe
— Entertainment Weekly (@EW) October 1, 2019
The Walking Dead Easter egg: Jaws
Nicotero hinted that the TWD season premiere is going to have a reference to Jaws right out of the gate.
“I’m always putting a few Easter eggs here or there just to remind people how much I love certain things. So there could be a shark tooth on the beach that might’ve been from a shark from my favorite movie. You never know.”
This is one of those blink-and-you-might-miss-it moments of the show, but he has done it before. He has referenced Shaun of the Dead and Evil Dead 2 during past episodes and it has become a thing for fans to watch for.
These moments are designed to be subtle enough to not take away from the focus of the episode or storyline, but also obvious enough that people rewatching the show are going to see what was in plain sight the whole time.
2 knives, 1 crossbow, 0 fks. #TWD pic.twitter.com/ow5rLwjvwP
— The Walking Dead on AMC (@WalkingDead_AMC) October 1, 2019
Make sure to tune in for the Season 11 premiere of The Walking Dead on Sunday, October 6. It’s time to find out what our favorite group of survivors has been up to and if their coming battle with the Whisperers is already at hand. As a reminder, Thora Birch is a new face that will be part of the TWD cast this fall.
The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.