Hooten & the Lady is a new series airing on The CW that follows the adventures of American Ulysses Hooten and English Lady Alex Lindo-Parker as the pair make an unlikely treasure hunting team.
Hooten (Micheal Landes) and Lady Lindo-Parker (Ophelia Lovibond) are not that keen to work together at first, but all good partnerships take a bit of time. Soon they are travelling the globe, seeking out some of the most famous lost treasures.
Their searches take them from the wild peaks of the Himalyan range as they try to find a scroll said to be written by Buddha to the stifling heat of the Amazon as they look for Percy Fawcett’s long-lost camp.
The series also stars Shaun Parkes as Clive Stephenson and Jessica Hynes as Ella Bond, with Jane Seymour and Jonathan Bailey also having recurring roles.
This first episode sees the pair deep in the Amazon rainforest, where they meet up for the first time.
Hooten and the Lady was first broadcast on UK’s Sky 1 last year and has a sort of Romancing the Stone vibe to it.
As treasure hunting fans here at M&C, we wonder if they will visit Oak Island ;-).
Hooten and the Lady airs on Thursdays at 9:00 PM on CW.