Watch Conan bust his staff secretly eating cake

Conan samples some of the cake after catching other employees scoffing themselves with the sugary goodness
Conan samples some of the cake after catching staff scoffing themselves with the sugary goodness

Conan often covers important topics on his show — and there’s nothing more important than cake.

Especially when that cake involves a secret email list that means some of his employees get to eat cake and other goodies ahead of everyone else working on his show.

Unfortunately for them, Conan got wind of the secret list — which was sent out to a select group of staff members whenever free food was delivered to their office.

It meant they could rush to wherever the food had been delivered and gorge themselves before any other members of staff, including Conan himself, found out it was there.

After discovering their ploy, Conan decided to rig up a secret camera and catch them in the act.

Watch the video below as the cake-gate episode unfolds.

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