
What religion is Luke P on The Bachelorette?

Luke P
Luke P shared his religion on The Bachelorette last night. Pic credit: Luke P

Luke Parker took Hannah B on his hometown date during last night’s episode of The Bachelorette. Here, he opened up about his religion and his church, bringing her along to a meeting where he could talk openly about his past experiences.

Throughout the episode, Luke talked about his church, but never really narrowed down what religion he was.

As it turns out, he calls himself a good Christian boy in his ABC Bachelorette bio. During the episode last night, he revealed that his high school years had introduced him to a world of partying and that’s what his world was all about. He also revealed that his college years were all about chasing sex.

Until one day when he was taking a shower. That’s when he claims he had a connection with God, who sent him on a brighter path. He also claims he saw a piece of heaven that day.

Since then, he has changed his ways. This isn’t the first time that viewers have heard about his sexual escapades from college and how he used to chase girls around. But it is the first time that he’s opening up about his dedication to the church.

His Bachelorette bio also reveals that Luke has now decided that when he dates, it’s for marriage. He’s excited about what the future brings, but as viewers know, his comments about Hannah’s sex life on next week’s episode may just send him home. He claims that if she has had sex while filming the show, he doesn’t want to continue the journey.

Even though he has changed his ways since college, it seems a bit hypocritical from a man who admits he chased sex throughout college.

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8/7c on ABC.

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