Fans want to know when Maggie is coming back to The Walking Dead. Played by Lauren Cohan, the character has been a fan-favorite on the show for years.
As long-time fans of the show know quite well, Maggie was last seen on the show during the first half of Season 9. She left The Walking Dead during the same episode that Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln) vanished.
It was later revealed that Maggie had gone off to join the mysterious Georgie, who is involved in a community that relies on technology.
Maggie took her son, Hershel, along for the ride, and it has been rumored that this is also the location where Rick was taken by helicopter.
Recently, it was officially revealed by AMC and Cohan herself that Maggie would be returning for Season 11 of TWD. If this is 100 percent accurate information, then it means that Maggie will return to the show in fall 2020.
But is that information 100 percent accurate?
Big reveal at New York Comic Con: 'Maggie' will be coming back to 'Walking Dead' https://t.co/Bqo4h5qVWW
— Daily Herald (@dailyherald) October 6, 2019
Could Maggie return to The Walking Dead sooner than Season 11?
There are a number of rumors floating around the internet that point toward actress Lauren Cohan being seen before the Season 11 premiere. Let’s state right up front that these are rumors and shouldn’t be considered true spoilers about the show. Yet.
It’s possible that Maggie could show up in the upcoming Rick-centric Walking Dead movie. If Rick was really taken to Georgie, and if Maggie joined that group soon after Rick’s exit from Alexandria, then they could cross paths again.
This raises the possibility of Maggie being seen in early 2020 during the first TWD movie.
There are also rumors that Maggie could make an appearance late in Season 10 of The Walking Dead. One rumor suggests she could appear as someone helping the survivors deal with the coming war against the Whisperers.
It would also create a lot of drama if she discovers that Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) is on the loose.
We worked out like this. pic.twitter.com/hi7hKUvEMF
— Lauren Cohan (@LaurenCohan) November 3, 2016
As it stands, Maggie will return to The Walking Dead for Season 11. But fans are going to remain excited about possibly seeing Lauren Cohan before that.
If we hear information that has been confirmed about Cohan returning late in Season 10 or popping up in the TWD movie, we will be sure to pass it on.
The Walking Dead airs Sunday nights at 9/8c on AMC.