This week Netflix celebrated Independence Day by dropping the Season 3 of Stranger Things and just like before, the show delivers nostalgia-fueled thrills. But many of the events surrounding the Season 3 finale left a lot of fans wondering whether or not the show will continue.
Can Stranger Things continue the same excitement and energy after three solid seasons? The answer is hard to say. But what can be confirmed is an actual plan regarding the future of this amazing series does exist.
Here is what to know about the future of Stranger Things and whether or not there will be a Season 4.
Will there be a Stranger Things Season 4?
From all of the interviews and reports, it seems certain that season 4 will happen no matter what. Beyond that, it becomes a little unclear.
From an interview back in 2017 with Vulture, the Duffer Brothers suggested that Stranger Things Season 4 could be the stopping point for them creatively:
“We’re thinking it will be a four-season thing and then out. I don’t know if we can justify something bad happening to them once a year.”
This should be sad news for fans of the show but luckily there might be a glimmer of hope.
Also from an interview with Entertainment Weekly in 2017, Executive Producer Shawn Levy confirmed that Season 4 could be the end but leaves optimism for a Season 5 saying:
“Hearts were heard breaking in Netflix headquarters when the Brothers made four seasons sound like an official end, and I was suddenly getting phone calls from our actors’ agents, the truth is we’re definitely going four seasons and there’s very much the possibility of a fifth. Beyond that, it becomes I think very unlikely.”
Then there is all the stuff that is known from the post-credit sequence at the end of season 3.
Warning spoilers ahead: The story ends with a post-credit sequence involving Russians feeding prisoners to Demi Dogs. At one point, one of the guards references an American in one of the jail cells.
This seems purposely stated to hint at a character’s return. It doesn’t seem likely the Duffer Brothers would tease fans with the intention of leaving them hanging. So it’s a strong bet the show will pay this off with a Season 4.
Needless to say, stranger things Season 4 will happen eventually. How soon is anyone’s guess but the horrifying adventures in the small town of Hawkins are from over.
Stranger Things Season 3 is now available to stream on Netflix.