
Days of our Lives’ John and Marlena featured on Tide commercial

Jarlena on Days of our Lives.
John and Marlena are doing Tide commercials now. Pic credit: NBC

Days of our Lives characters John (Drake Hogestyn) and Marlena (Deidre Hall) show that they are ready for some football action in a cute new commercial that’s sure to delight DOOL fans. NBC, the network which airs Days of our Lives, is now showing NFL games on Sunday.

In the most recent ad, Jarlena takes time out from their busy day to have a heated moment to discuss the state of their laundry.

In the soapy scene, John stops dead in his tracks when Marlena confronts him by saying, “I know what you’ve been hiding from me, John!”

The handsome leading man hems and haws, clearly not sure what to say. But, Marlena has caught him red-handed! She doesn’t hold back when she confronts her defensive hubby with a stack of clean laundry saying, “You’ve been doing laundry on the weekdays, during our show, so you can watch football on Sundays. Traitor!”

Silver-haired fox John turns on the charm and purrs, “I’m sorry baby. So will you use Tide with me on Sunday?”

Doc has no choice but to reply, “Only if you keep our show laundry free,” to which John proclaims, “The NFL can never tear us apart!”

The couple hug and all is right with the world. Besides being a clever way to market both shows, the 30-second spot is a cute reminder to viewers of how soap operas got their name.

Back in the day when soaps first started, they were broadcast on the radio, with laundry detergent ads plentiful, thus the name soap opera was coined and it stuck.

Jarlena was previously featured in an ad touting a game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Atlanta Falcons. In that spot, football players appeared with Jarlena showing on the television in the background.

Days of our Lives airs weekdays on NBC.

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