
Big Brother 2020 spoilers: What happened at Veto Meeting today?

The Big Brother live feeds just revealed what happened at the Veto Meeting today. It’s been a busy weekend for the BB22 cast, and now we know the final nominees for the week. Following the eviction of Tyler Crispen, the cast is down to just five people, so every event has become even more important.


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Who is about to get evicted from the house?

Big Brother 2020 spoilers coming from the live feeds indicate who is in danger of going to the jury next. This is a big week because following the Tyle Crispen eviction, there are just five people left in the running to become the Big Brother winner this summer. What happens next is likely going to


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Who won the final five Power of Veto?

The Big Brother 2020 cast played in the latest Veto Competition on Saturday and we have the results straight from the live feeds. There are just five people left in the game, so this was a very important Power of Veto necklace to acquire – especially with the current alliances. Having just five people, it


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Who did new HOH nominate for eviction?

Big Brother 2020 spoilers have come from Nicole Franzel’s Nomination Ceremony on Friday. It was late last night that Nicole won the Head of Household Competition. It gave her the power to take control of the game. That was great news for Cody Calafiore because as the outgoing HOH, he wasn’t able to play in


Big Brother 2020 spoilers: Who is the new Head of Household?

Eviction night arrived on Thursday night, with the Big Brother All-Stars cast having to decide whether to send Christmas Abbott or Tyler Crispen to the jury house. It also meant that the power was up for grabs again. Cody Calafiore can’t play in the new Head of Household Competition, leaving it up to just four


Who got voted off Big Brother tonight? BB22 jury gets a new friend

The houseguest who gets voted off Big Brother tonight is going to look back on this season with a lot of regrets. When Christmas Abbott and Tyler Crispen took their shot at getting Nicole Franzel out of the game, they put themselves at a real risk of getting targeted later on down the line. It


Who won the Power of Veto this week on Big Brother 22?

The Head of Household this week is Cody Calafiore on Big Brother 22 and he decided that he wanted to nominate Christmas Abbott and Tyler Crispen for eviction. It wasn’t a stretch for fans to guess who Cody was going to target, especially after Christmas and Tyler had tried to get Nicole Franzel out of


Big Brother live feeds: Houseguests guess who will win AFP

The Big Brother live feeds may have become predictable, but it was interesting to see the houseguests stating who they think or feel will win AFP this season. America’s Favorite Player is selected by the fans and it doesn’t have to be someone that made it very far on the show. Typically, the AFP selection