
Big Brother 2021: Nine positive COVID-19 tests linked to show

The Big Brother 2021 production has reportedly dealt with positive COVID-19 tests already this season, despite increased protocols in place that are intended to keep everyone safe. This news about positive COVID-19 tests does not involve the BB23 cast but does relate to people who are working on the show. According to a report by


Big Brother spoilers: Veto draw has dictated who is getting evicted

Big Brother spoilers reveal who was drawn to play in the Veto Competition this week. And that itself likely dictates who is going to be heading to the BB23 jury house from the next Eviction Ceremony. Sarah Beth Steagall is the new Head of Household and Kyland Young manipulated her nominations this week. He spent


Big Brother spoilers: Who got more BB Bucks, was roulette power used?

Big Brother spoilers from Friday now reveal that the houseguests have received more BB Bucks. After the Britini eviction episode, another America’s Vote was held where fans of the show could vote for their favorite houseguest to receive more BB currency. Sarah Beth Steagall hosted her Nomination Ceremony early on Friday, leading to Derek Frazier


Big Brother spoilers: Who is Sarah Beth nominating for eviction?

Big Brother spoilers coming from the live feeds reveal that Kyland Young is trying to control Sarah Beth Steagall and her nominations this week. The duo stayed up chatting deep into the night about what she would do as the new Head of Household, with 5 a.m. house time hitting before she even got close


Big Brother recap: Season 23, Episode 19 sends someone to jury house

Big Brother 23, Episode 19 began with a recap of how each member of The Cookout has been working with a pawn. It then showed Kyland Young winning the HOH Competition and making that deal with Britini D’Angelo, where they promised each other safety. We saw Kyland nominated Claire Rehfuss and Derek Frazier for eviction,


Who got evicted from Big Brother tonight? BB23 jury has first member

An important Big Brother Eviction Ceremony took place tonight. Rather than getting sent home, the evicted houseguest became the first member of the BB23 jury. Kyland Young was the Head of Household over the past week, and he was trying to add to his resume on the season. The first time that he was HOH,


Da’Vonne Rogers wants to host Big Brother 23 jury roundtable

Da’Vonne Rogers wants to return to Big Brother. The former houseguest says that she would like to be the host for the BB23 jury roundtable that will take place this September. The three-time Big Brother houseguest has kept busy since she last appeared on the show, and she has already had a lot to say


Big Brother 23 spoilers: Did the Power of Vetos get used this week?

Big Brother 23 spoilers coming from the live feeds revealed what happened with the Power of Vetos that came into play this past week. That information was held back from CBS audiences in order to make a future episode a bit more exciting. Alyssa Lopez won the OTEV Veto Competition. By winning the challenge, Alyssa