
Big Brother recap: Houseguests get to bet on OTEV, Power of Veto results

A new episode of Big Brother 23 aired on Wednesday night. A lot needed to be revealed to the CBS audience, including who won the OTEV Veto Competition and how the Veto Derby turned out. In the recap at the opening of the episode, we got to see how the High Roller’s Room opened up,


Big Brother spoilers: Who is about to become the first BB23 jury member?

Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds make it very evident who is about to become the first member of the BB23 jury. Getting sent to the jury house isn’t all bad, as it means living in a mansion until the end of September when they return to help crown the Big Brother 23 winner.


Big Brother Battle Back unlikely, season finale approaching quickly

A Big Brother Battle Back Competition isn’t likely to take place this summer due to the shortened season. The first five evicted houseguests were already sent home, with Frenchie commenting going off about the treatment of Derek Frazier and Whitney Williams, sharing videos about her Big Brother controversies. Fans hoping for a Jury Competition may


Big Brother spoilers: Veto Ceremony creates drama in the house

Big Brother spoilers are now available from the Veto Ceremony, which just took place in the house and led to a lot of drama for the show. It was made even more exciting by having two Power of Veto necklaces in play. It was during the last episode of Big Brother that viewers saw the


How many BB Bucks does each Big Brother cast member have now?

The Big Brother cast is using a currency this season to play games in a secret casino room. Called BB Bucks, they are awarded to houseguests through America’s Vote, where fans of the show try to reward their favorite members of the BB23 cast. During the first vote, the top three vote-getters received 100 BB


Big Brother recap: America gives BB23 cast money, secret room opens

The new episode of Big Brother started with a recap of the week where Derek Xiao was in charge of the house. He succeeded in backdooring Christian Birkenberger and the house sent Christian home on a 7-2 vote. No Head of Household was decided during the last episode of Big Brother, with time running out


Big Brother spoilers: Power of Veto winner, first secret power revealed

Big Brother spoilers from Saturday night have revealed the Power of Veto winner. Or should we save Power of Veto winners. A lot has happened in the Big Brother house over the past 48 hours, including the twist getting unleashed on the BB23 cast. The High Roller’s Room was opened and the houseguests began playing