
Big Brother updates: Who could be the surprise BB23 eviction target for next week?

Big Brother updates coming from the live feeds suggest that someone less obvious could end up being the next member of the BB23 cast to be targeted for eviction. Christian Birkenberger and Alyssa Lopez — better known now as the ChrisAlyss alliance/showmance — have become even bigger targets after they held the HOH power for


Derek Frazier compares Big Brother 23 duo to Pokémon’s Team Rocket

The Big Brother live feeds presented a gem for viewers this weekend when Derek Frazier compared a duo from the BB23 cast to Team Rocket from Pokémon. It was a really amusing moment seen on the feeds, and certainly something that is worth showing on a future episode of the show. How often do you


Big Brother recap: Christian takes charge of BB23 house, or does he?

Big Brother 23, Episode 11 aired on Sunday night and dealt with who won the latest Wildcard Competition, as well as who the new Head of Household nominated for eviction. There was a long recap from the last episode to start out the night, including Brent Champagne getting voted out 11-0 and Christian Birkenberger winning


Big Brother Wildcard Competition punishment revealed by winner?

Another Big Brother Wildcard Competition was played this week and it results in another member of the BB23 cast attaining safety for the week. That safety could be really important as well, but not just because they are safe in Week 4. Claire Rehfuss won the Wildcard Competition this week. She was up against Whitney


Big Brother Power of Veto spoilers: Who won the Veto Competition today?

Big Brother spoilers now include the Power of Veto winner for Week 4. Six members of the BB23 cast played in the Veto Competition today, with one of them already knowing how important it would be to wear that necklace around the house. Christian Birkenberger is the Head of Household this week and he decided


Who was nominated on Big Brother and who is playing for Power of Veto?

One houseguest who was nominated on Big Brother this week has a lot to worry about if they don’t find a way to win the Power of Veto over the weekend. Christian Birkenberger is the new Head of Household and he was tasked with putting two people on the block. After a lot of discussions


Big Brother live feed spoilers: Christian Birkenberger nominees

The live feeds just revealed who was nominated on Big Brother 23 this week. New Head of Household Christian Birkenberger got to announce his choices during a Nomination Ceremony that he hosted on Friday. These nominees aren’t Christian’s alone, though, as he had Alyssa Lopez in his ear about every decision he was going to


Big Brother spoilers: Wildcard Competition results are in for Week 4

Big Brother spoilers about the Wildcard Competition for Week 4 have just been revealed on the live feeds. It was an important challenge for several of the houseguests, and one of them is likely about to regret not emerging with safety for the week. Christian Birkenberger is the new Head of Household after he took