
Big Brother recap: Who got evicted first from the BB23 cast?

On tonight’s episode of Big Brother, it was time to finally evict someone from the BB23 cast. It was the first Eviction Ceremony of the summer, forcing the houseguests to choose whether they would evict Alyssa Lopez or Travis Long. On the previous episode of Big Brother, Derek Xiao won the Power of Veto. He


Who is the new Head of Household on Big Brother 23?

A new Big Brother 23 Head of Household was crowned on Thursday night. After a chaotic first week for the BB23 cast, it will be very interesting to see how the next few days go in the house. Frenchie was the first HOH of the summer and he caused a lot of chaos with his


Frenchie’s alliances on Big Brother: A look at BB23 cast lines

Frenchie already has a lot of alliances on Big Brother this summer. In fact, there are more BB23 cast members aligned with him than there are who are working against him. It could be a good strategy or it could backfire in Week 2 if he isn’t careful. Below is a look at many of


Big Brother recap: An important Power of Veto for BB23 cast

A quick recap of how the season started opened up Big Brother 23, Episode 3. We got to see Frenchie becoming the first Head of Household, the BB23 cast getting split up into teams, and the new houseguests getting comfortable with their new living quarters. The new episode picked up right after the Nomination Ceremony,


Big Brother live feed spoilers: Frenchie finalizes new final two

Big Brother live feed spoilers from July 14 revealed that Frenchie isn’t done making alliances in the house. He now has another final two agreement in his back pocket and he hopes that it will help him make it all the way to the end of this season. Frenchie has made no secret of the


Some Big Brother fans accusing Brent of sexually harassing Hannah

A number of Big Brother fans noticed something on the live feeds Tuesday night that alarmed them and they are posting a lot about it on social media. At roughly 6:06 p.m. PT on camera 4 of the Big Brother live feeds, the BB23 cast can be seen milling around the kitchen during a toga


Big Brother ratings for BB23 cast better than the start of BB22 on CBS

The Big Brother ratings have come in from the first two episodes of the season, possibly showing that fans are more excited about tuning in for the BB23 cast than they were for the BB22 cast last summer. For the Big Brother 2021 season premiere, CBS drew an estimated number of just over four million