
Zingbot Day arrives for Big Brother 25 cast

The Big Brother 25 cast finally gets to meet Zingbot. The comedian robot will arrive at the house to make jokes about the players. Host Julie Chen Moonves announced that it would go down in Week 10. And that means the BB25 cast will come across Zingbot on Saturday (October 7). Reaching this point of


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Bowie Jane reveals her eviction nominees

The Week 10 eviction nominees were revealed on the Big Brother live feeds. Bowie Jane became the new Head of Household and gained power for the first time this season. With that power came the responsibility of nominating two people for eviction. Much of Friday (October 6) was spent meeting with people about the pending


Jared Fields hanging out with Izzy Gleicher after Big Brother exit

A Big Brother 25 reunion has taken place in the real world. Following his Big Brother exit, Jared Fields reunited with Izzy Gleicher. Jared and Izzy had been working together this season. But when Izzy and Felicia Cannon were nominated by Cameron Hardin, that partnership in the game would end. Izzy finished in 12th place,


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Bowie Jane’s plan as the new HOH

Bowie Jane finally won a challenge on Big Brother 25. And now she will have a hand in deciding the first BB25 jury member. Mecole Hayes got sent home in a unanimous vote Thursday night, ending her chances at winning the $750,000 prize. The houseguests then battled in an important Head of Household Competition. Bowie


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Someone goes home, new HOH crowned

Cameron Hardin enjoyed another week of being in charge. But his third week as the Head of Household came to an end. Cameron targeted Felicia Cannon for eviction, putting her on the block next to Mecole Hayes. Cameron also won the Power of Veto, allowing him to keep nominations the same. During the October 5


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Houseguest pushed under bus ahead of vote

Big Brother 25 spoilers have revealed the next target in the game. Most fans have seen a vote flip is underway to save Felicia Cannon. Several houseguests made plans to evict Mecole Hayes instead. It looks set in stone, but this cast tends to waffle in the final moments. Along with a plan to evict


Big Brother spoilers: Live feeds chaos ahead of Eviction Ceremony

Chaos has consumed the Big Brother 25 house. Again. They don’t call it Waffle Wednesday for nothing. And the producers are loving it. The October 3 episode of Big Brother 25 pushed the narrative that a backdoor was coming. The episode ended as Cameron Hardin was about to reveal his plans for the Power of


Cirie Fields sets a new Big Brother record

A Survivor legend has broken a Big Brother record in her first season. Cirie Fields became a member of the BB25 cast as part of a big twist. The producers set it up so that Cirie could play the game with her son, Jared Fields. The duo did well in the game but struggled after


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Overthrowing the HOH discussed

Big Brother 25 spoilers now include talk of flipping the vote. This is a familiar narrative for the BB25 cast, so the revelation isn’t shocking. But a quartet of houseguests discussed going against the wishes of the Head of Household this week. Cameron Hardin is the Head of Household after winning his third HOH Competition.


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Eviction nominees set after Veto Meeting

The Big Brother 25 Veto Meeting just took place. This means the final nominations for Week 9 are set. Cameron Hardin won the Head of Household Competition, allowing him to set the targets. Cameron put Felicia Cannon and Mecole Hayes on the block at the Nomination Ceremony. This led to Felicia trying to make a