
Some Big Brother fans want Kirsten evicted for use of the N-word

The Big Brother code of conduct has become an important topic this week. Big Brother fans watching the live feeds saw Luke Valentine use the N-word on camera. Two houseguests in the room with him (Hisam Goueli and Cory Wurtenberger) immediately knew Luke had messed up. And in the morning, Luke was expelled from the


What happens in new Big Brother episode? Fan theories abound

Chaos consumed the Big Brother house this week. As seen on the live feeds, Luke Valentine used a racial slur that didn’t sit well with many fans. Big Brother producers expelled Luke from the house the morning after he said it. The episode schedule continued as planned, with Wednesday night featuring the new veto episode.


Big Brother recap: Power of Veto results and alliances

A new episode of Big Brother aired on Wednesday night. The third episode of Big Brother 25 focused on the Power of Veto and the final nominees for eviction. It was revealed that Reilly Smedley won the HOH Competition on the last episode, and she got to save Cory Wurtenberger and Jared Fields from the


When will the Big Brother live feeds return?

The Big Brother live feeds went offline on August 9 as the producers dealt with a situation. Early in the morning, BB25 player Luke Valentine used a racial slur that was seen on the live feeds. There was an immediate reaction from fans on social media, with many asking that Luke be removed from the


Luke Valentine kicked off Big Brother for using racial slur

Big Brother player Luke Valentine has been removed from the show. In the early morning hours of August 9, the Big Brother live feeds showed Luke using a racial slur. The Big Brother producers reacted quickly and kicked Luke off the show. This is the first time a houseguest has been removed from the show


Luke Valentine says the N-word on Big Brother live feeds

Big Brother 25 cast member Luke Valentine said the N-word during the overnight hours. The live feed cameras picked up the moment early on the morning of August 9. And so were Luke’s attempts to explain what happened. Luke called it “a little slip of the tongue” as he spoke to Jared Fields later. “We


Felicia Cannon destroys Big Brother mic pack in the toilet — again

Felicia Cannon has become a popular houseguest with Big Brother fans, but not so much with the producers in charge of microphones. Felicia destroyed several mic packs in her first week of playing Big Brother. It has gotten to the point that the producers have told her that she doesn’t have to take them to


Big Brother 25: Who are the most popular and least liked houseguests?

The 17 Big Brother 25 cast members have played the game for nearly a week. This has given fans time to name their favorite (and least favorite) BB25 players. A big twist happened on opening night when Cirie Fields was announced as the 17th houseguest. Cirie is a Survivor legend and the first winner of


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Who is going home first?

The Big Brother 25 cast is set on who gets evicted in Week 1. Reilly Smedley became the first Head of Household this summer and saved two people from the block. Reilly was put in a difficult spot, as she became the HOH after the nominations had been revealed. Four people were on the block


Big Brother 25 swimsuit photos released

Big Brother releases swimsuit photos of the cast each summer, and the BB25 swimsuit photos have been revealed. It’s worth noting that many Big Brother fans believe an 18th houseguest is coming. But there aren’t 18 people in the group shot this season. This might be a hint that the BB25 cast is now complete.