
Leah made a brilliant move saving Angela on Big Brother 26 and here’s why

Leah Peters is finally playing Big Brother. For weeks, Leah has been playing the social game to her strengths, but winning the Week 7 Veto Competition was huge. By securing the Power of Veto, Leah put herself in the power position for the week, forcing the other houseguests to come to her. Some Live Feeds


Big Brother 26 spoilers: A plan for the next eviction vote

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds confirm the primary target for the upcoming Eviction Ceremony. CBS viewers who weren’t paying attention to the feeds were likely shocked by what happened on the latest episode. Leah Peters won the Power of Veto and decided she should use it. She felt she could secure a


Big Brother 26 spoilers: Who is going home in Week 7?

The Big Brother 26 cast has to send one more person home before the jury phase begins. During the September 5 episode, one of the final three nominees will be sent home. Quinn Martin became the Week 7 Head of Household and set about to get Angela Murray out of the game. Quinn nominated Angela


Big Brother 26 spoilers: Updates from the Live Feeds for Week 7

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal what happened during Week 7. Quinn Martin won the latest Head of Household Competition, allowing him to target someone. Quinn was excited about becoming HOH so soon after voting out Tucker Des Lauriers. By securing the HOH throne, Quinn also guaranteed he would make it to


Tucker is home and watching Big Brother 26 and says he misses Rubina

Big Brother fans watched Tucker Des Lauriers reinvent the game this summer. His BB26 journey ended with a vote flip, though. Tucker did leave the Big Brother house with some good news, as host Julie Chen Moonves revealed he had won $20,000 for his role as the Instigator. Many Big Brother fans enjoyed watching Tucker


Big Brother 26 spoilers: Could we see Power of Veto chaos again?

Big Brother 26 spoilers from the Live Feeds reveal some possible chatter about veto chaos. We are deep into Week 7, with the post-Tucker era yielding some interesting moments. The remaining players competed for Head of Household after sending Tucker home on Thursday night (August 29). Quinn Martin became the new HOH, so CBS viewers