
Big Brother 24 spoilers: Early Power of Veto results revealed

Big Brother 24 spoilers now reveal who won the Veto Competition that took place early on Friday. The BB24 cast is playing a sped-up week in order to get down to the final three houseguests, leading to an early Power of Veto winner being revealed. On Thursday night (September 15), Taylor Hale won the HOH


Big Brother 24 spoilers: Who did Taylor nominate for eviction?

Big Brother 24 spoilers are already revealing the Week 11 nominations for eviction. Even though Alyssa Snider just got evicted on Thursday night, we now know who the new HOH has put on the block. This is going to be an abridged week for the show, with a lot of pre-taping in order to get


Big Brother 24 spoilers: A new HOH and the final four

The Big Brother 24 season got down to its final four houseguests on Thursday night, with another person getting sent to the BB24 jury house. Monte Taylor, Brittany Hoopes, Alyssa Snider, Taylor Hale, and Matt Turner made up the final five, but it was time to evict one of them. On the block for the


Big Brother 24 spoilers: Blindside attempt, vote prediction

Big Brother 24 spoilers about the September 15 Eviction Ceremony point to who is getting voted out next. Monte Taylor controlled the house this week, setting his sights on possibly getting Brittany Hoopes out of the game. When Brittany won the Power of Veto, though, it became slightly more complicated for Monte. Heading into the


Big Brother schedule this week: The final Wednesday episode

The Big Brother schedule for this week includes the final Wednesday night episode of the summer and a really important eviction night. Only six new episodes are left for the Big Brother 24 cast, showing how close we are to learning the $750,000 winner this summer. Since Survivor 43 and The Amazing Race 34 will


Big Brother 24 spoilers: Live feeds reveal final four, nominee cries

Big Brother 24 spoilers from the live feeds have made it pretty clear who the next member of the jury is going to be for this cast. The final five houseguests have had several chats that make it obvious who is going to get voted out, even though the official Eviction Ceremony doesn’t take place


A new Big Brother 24 showmance has begun

Big Brother fans watching the live feeds on Tuesday morning saw what might be the latest showmance to emerge from the BB24 cast. And much like when Tyler Crispen and Angela Rummans started their relationship in the Big Brother 20 house, this one will have to be kept under wraps. After cuddling a bit in