
Big Brother: All-Stars? Casting calls canceled by show

Big Brother: All-Stars rumors have surfaced again. But this time, they might make a lot of sense. CBS has announced that all casting calls have been canceled or postponed for the Big Brother 22 cast. This is a big deal, as it is getting close to the time when producers for the show have to


Big Brother 22 cast: There is still time to apply for summer 2020 season

Big Brother 22 cast applications are still open. This means that there is still time for potential contestants to apply to be on the show. Do you think that you have what it takes to outlast everyone else while being locked inside a house for 100 days this summer? Do you have the social skills


Celebrity Big Brother canceled quietly by CBS, but do fans really miss it?

Celebrity Big Brother was quietly canceled this winter. It was so quiet that an official announcement was never made to the fans. There had been a number of issues with Celebrity Big Brother 2, which aired during the winter of 2019. Producers had problems getting contestants to stick to their contracts and it caused a


Big Brother 22 return date projections: Summer 2020 show coming soon

Big Brother 22 return date projections hint at just how close the show is to coming back for its summer 2020 installment. Yes, Big Brother has already been renewed by CBS. Casting is also still open for people who might want to become a part of the BB22 cast. The process of putting that new


Big Brother 21 cast: Holly Allen, Jackson Michie relationship still strong

Big Brother 21 winner Jackson Michie and runner-up Holly Allen are still in a strong relationship. Months after exiting the Big Brother house in September, the couple continues to spend time together. A showmance between Jackson and Holly began early on in the summer 2019 season of the show, which ended up helping them on


Big Brother 20 showmance Swaggy C and Bayleigh Dayton are married

Big Brother rumors have been floating around for a while that Swaggy C and Bayleigh Dayton were married. Well, the couple sat down to do a video where they confirmed the news to fans. In the video shared below, Chris “Swaggy C” Williams and Bayleigh Dayton — who were both members of the Big Brother


Big Brother casting: Application available for potential BB22 cast members

Big Brother casting is currently open, and fans who want to be a part of the BB22 cast can apply to be on the show. The team behind the reality competition show is working to put together a group of people who will compete during the summer 2020 season. That team includes casting director Robyn


When does Big Brother start? Survivor Season 40 buzz spurs interest

Teasers for Survivor Season 40 have CBS viewers also asking about when Big Brother starts back up. Two of the most popular reality competition shows have been linked for years, with many people being fans of them both. On Wednesday night, the Season 39 finale for Survivor aired on CBS. It was also time for


When does Big Brother return for Season 22? Predicting the premiere dates

Big Brother 22 is likely the next installment for the hit reality competition show. While it was never officially announced by CBS, it seems like the rumors of Celebrity Big Brother getting canceled are true. Based on the realization that there likely won’t be a winter installment of the show, we can start looking ahead