
When is Big Brother finale? Just four episodes left on CBS schedule

When is the Big Brother finale? Not soon enough if you ask some of the fans on social media. There is a large contingent of fans who are frustrated with the way the summer 2019 season has gone. As a result, they are counting down the days until the Big Brother finale airs on CBS.


Big Brother spoilers: Nicole reveals who she would take to final two

Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds have Nicole Anthony speaking to Cliff Hogg about who she would take to the final two. First, Nicole has to win the final Head of Household Competition, but she now has a plan in place. Nicole is currently the HOH, so she is guaranteed a spot in the


Big Brother Power of Veto winner will have to wait for Veto Ceremony

The Big Brother Power of Veto winner didn’t get to host the Veto Ceremony on Monday. The meeting has been delayed, but the houseguests haven’t been told why that has happened. It may not matter that much that there will be a delay, as the Power of Veto winner already has a plan that they


Big Brother 21 jury gets to see their BB Comics alter-egos [Video]

The Big Brother 21 jury members got a treat recently. Well, maybe it was more of a treat for the fans, as not all the former houseguests were pleased with how they were depicted in BB Comics. The first six members of the BB21 jury opened artwork showing how they were depicted during the BB


Big Brother recap: Season 21, Episode 36 reveals Jackson to CBS viewers

The Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 36 comes from September 15 on CBS. The focus of the episode was going to be who became the HOH and who they nominated for eviction. A quick recap was given of the last episode, where Tommy was evicted on a 2-0 vote, and the final four


Big Brother spoilers: Jackson admits to lies, says Nicole was disloyal

Big Brother spoilers from Sunday afternoon paint an ugly picture of how Jackson Michie has been playing the game. As he continues to preach about playing with morals, while also lying about everyone, he revealed a final three plan. Jackson and Nicole Anthony were chatting in the backyard and it was all summed up perfectly


Big Brother House Meeting: Nicole Anthony may regret footage CBS shows

A Big Brother House Meeting set the tone for what would happen next. When Nicole Anthony looks back at the footage, she may regret the decision she made for herself and Cliff Hogg. During Season 21, Episode 36 on Sunday night (September 15), CBS and show producers are going to reveal footage of what took


Big Brother 21 cast: Will POV winner make shocking game move?

The Big Brother 21 cast spoilers hint that the houseguest who won the Power of Veto this week could make an interesting move in order to work at some jury management. The final four BB21 cast members played in the Veto Competition on Saturday, with Jackson Michie winning another challenge. He now has the power


Big Brother spoilers: Who won Power of Veto this week?

Big Brother spoilers about who won the Power of Veto this week were just revealed on the live feeds. The importance of this Veto Competition was widely known, especially with two duos still battling it out in the house. To get to this point, Nicole Anthony won the Head of Household Competition. It was an


Who wins Big Brother 2019 could be determined by POV winner today

Who wins Big Brother 2019 may be dictated by the final POV winner. And who wins the Power of Veto will be determined during a challenge on Saturday. It’s nearly time for the final Veto Competition of the summer 2019 season. Nicole Anthony, Holly Allen, Cliff Hogg, and Jackson Michie will all be playing for