
Big Brother spoilers: A houseguest backs out of final three deal

Big Brother spoilers from the weekend present one of the least surprising moments of the summer. Okay, well maybe the nominees on the block this week were more obvious, but one houseguest not fulfilling their deal is on par. When it came down to Tommy Bracco or Holly Allen surviving last week, Holly stated she


Big Brother spoilers: Nominations revealed, sets stage for POV

Big Brother spoilers just revealed the HOH nominations on the CBS live feeds. This sets the stage for the POV this week, and ultimately, that challenge could predict who wins Big Brother 2019. For readers who don’t already know, the new Head of Household took power late Thursday evening. Nicole Anthony won the challenge, guaranteeing


Big Brother 21 Luxury Competition: Live feeds reveal surprise challenge

A Big Brother 21 Luxury Competition took place on Friday morning in the house. The live feeds were taken offline as the final four houseguests competed to win some money. Late Thursday night, the remaining houseguests played in a new HOH Competition. That led to Nicole Anthony taking over the power in the game. She


Big Brother spoilers: Jackson Michie has two plans for Power of Veto

Big Brother spoilers from the CBS live feeds reveal that Jackson Michie is advertising two plans when it comes to the Power of Veto this week. He is hedging his bets in an effort to make sure he gets to the final three this season. A lot happened on Thursday for the BB21 cast, including


Who was voted out on Big Brother? Who won HOH last night?

A Big Brother Eviction Ceremony determined who was voted out and then the live feeds revealed who won HOH last night. This was a big night for the cast, including what took place during the hours after the show. It was time to evict another houseguest and get down to the final four competitors for


Watch the Big Brother Tommy interview: Extended version with Julie Chen

Fans can watch the Big Brother Tommy interview now. An extended version of the Tommy interview with host Julie Chen Moonves is shared below, where he speaks about the eviction he had to go through on Thursday night. Viewers got a taste of what Tommy Bracco had to say during the Thursday episode, but he


Big Brother spoilers: Final four HOH already crowned

Big Brother spoilers form the CBS live feeds revealed that the final four HOH has already been crowned. Shortly after the Thursday night episode took place, the HOH Competition came to an uneventful end. Three houseguests started playing for the Head of Household as the episode came to an end. When the live feeds got


Big Brother spoilers: Recap from Episode 35 on September 12

Big Brother spoilers come directly from the Episode 35 recap on Thursday night. The September 12 episode was a really important one for the BB21 cast, as it was going to take the cast down to just four people left competing. During the previous episode, Nicole Anthony was shown winning the Golden Power of Veto.


Who was evicted on Big Brother tonight? BB21 cast down to four

It was eviction night on Big Brother tonight, with a big vote deciding who would go to the BB21 jury next. But who would it be? Tommy Bracco and Holly Allen were both at risk with Cliff Hogg and Nicole Anthony in control. Holly and Tommy were the two people on the block. Jackson Michie


Who won the Big Brother Head of Household tonight?

Find out who won the Big Brother Head of Household tonight with this live blog. We will be reporting on the challenge as it takes place on the live feeds and readers can keep up with everything that happens. Make sure to refresh the page often, following the completion of the Thursday night episode at