
Big Brother 22: CBS renews show for summer 2020 season

Big Brother 22 is coming to CBS. The network announced the big news for the summer 2020 season. This summer has been pretty bumpy for the show and its houseguests. Lots of drama, accusations of racism and bullying, and a lot of crying had some fans worried a Big Brother renewal might not happen. It’s


Big Brother: What is gaslighting? Jackson Michie angers fans

Gaslighting involving Big Brother 21 was a hot topic of conversation this week. During the latest episode of the show, many fans felt that Jackson Michie, who is a member of the BB21 cast, was gaslighting Holly Allen. What is gaslighting? The term gaslighting boils down to a few key components. It centers on one


Who cleans up the mess in the Big Brother house after Veto?

The Hide and Go Veto Competition destroyed the Big Brother house this past weekend. When the results of the challenge were shown on Wednesday night, it revealed just how much the houseguests had torn up the house. Almost every season of the show, the houseguests take part in the Hide and Go Veto. It involves


Big Brother 21, Episode 31 recap: Hide and Go Veto results

The Big Brother 21, Episode 31 recap comes from the September 4 installment of the show. It was time to reveal to the CBS viewers what took place during the Hide and Go Veto Competition and who is now on the block. During the last episode, Jackson Michie was shown winning the Endurance Challenge. He


Big Brother 21 Double Eviction: How does it work? What will happen?

The Big Brother 21 Double Eviction has finally arrived. On Thursday night, two members of the cast will be sent to join the BB21 jury. Their summer in the house will have come to an end. The September 5 episode of the show is one that should not be missed, especially since anything could happen


Big Brother 2019 spoilers: Who gets evicted on Thursday night?

Big Brother 2019 spoilers from the live feeds give information about who gets evicted on Thursday night. The stage has been set, the plans have been made, and the votes are in place. Jackson Michie is the current Head of Household. CBS viewers saw him nominate Christie Murphy and Jessica Milagros at the latest Nomination


Who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 21 this week?

We know who won the Power of Veto on Big Brother 21 this week, but it is something that hasn’t gone over well with a lot of fans. It seems pretty clear that many viewers and live feed subscribers wanted a specific houseguest to be sent to the BB21 jury this week. Instead, that no


Big Brother spoilers: Did Power of Veto get used today?

Big Brother spoilers from the live feeds have revealed the Veto Ceremony results. The meeting took place Monday, with the Power of Veto winner deciding whether or not they would use it this week. Over the weekend, the BB21 cast played the latest Veto Competition. Six of them took part in the Hide and Go


Cliff Hogg from Big Brother’s wife Sharon keeps him going strong

Cliff Hogg is a member of the Big Brother 21 cast and despite being locked inside a house all summer, he has done his best to keep his wife at the forefront of his mind. During the September 1 episode of the show, Cliff spoke about his wife, Sharon, and a segment was shown where


Big Brother 21 recap: September 1 episode reveals spoilers about HOH

The Big Brother 21 recap from the September 1 episode picks up with the Endurance Challenge that began on Thursday night. It was time for CBS viewers to find out who became the new Head of Household. As a reminder, during the last episode, Nick Maccarone left for the BB21 jury on a 5-0 vote.