
Big Brother 21 nominations: Spoilers from live feeds revealed

Big Brother 21 nominations for this week were just revealed. Spoilers from the live feeds indicated that the Nomination Ceremony had just taken place. First off, the BB21 cast has a new Head of Household. Jessica Milagros won the competition late Thursday night. Live feed subscribers could have figured that out just by watching all


Who was nominated on Big Brother? New HOH has a plan

The names of who was nominated for eviction on Big Brother this week will officially play out on Friday night. That’s when the new Head of Household hosts the Nomination Ceremony. But she is ready now. As revealed on the live feeds late Thursday night, the BB21 cast has a new HOH. Jessica Milagros won


Who won HOH on Big Brother this week? Expect the unexpected

The houseguest who won HOH on Big Brother this week is ready to shake things up. Sam Smith got evicted on Thursday night, but they ran out of time to complete the latest Head of Household Competition. It ended up finishing later in the evening. Holly Allen sat out as the former HOH and the


Who won HOH Competition on Big Brother last night? Spoilers revealed

The houseguest who won the HOH Competition on Big Brother last night was revealed on the live feeds. The spoilers became available late Thursday evening, long after the August 1 episode had ended on CBS. Sam Smith got evicted earlier in the night, leaving just 11 people competing for the $500,000 prize. Holly Allen had


Who wins HOH on Big Brother tonight to be revealed on live feeds

The latest Big Brother Head of Household Competition didn’t take place during the August 1 episode of the show. Following the eviction of Sam Smith, there were just 11 houseguests left playing the game. They went to the backyard to play out the latest battle for power. When they got to the backyard, host Julie


Big Brother recap: Who went home on Season 21, Episode 17?

The Big Brother recap for Season 21, Episode 17 covers a really intriguing Eviction Ceremony During the last episode of the show, Nick Maccarone was shown winning the Power of Veto. He had been placed on the block with Sam Smith by Head of Household Holly Allen. At the Nomination Ceremony, Holly went with Kathryn


What is the Big Brother Field Trip twist? America’s Vote has arrived

The Big Brother Field Trip twist was finally revealed on Thursday night. Host Julie Chen Moonves has hinted about what was to come, telling viewers for about a week that America’s Vote was about to return to the show. Now there is some information to go along with it. For the next eight days, America


Who got evicted on Big Brother tonight? Time for BB21 jury

The houseguest who got evicted on Big Brother tonight is the last one who will fail to make the BB21 jury. The eviction leaves just 11 people to play the game, with nine eventually heading to the jury house. That jury will decide who gets named the Big Brother 21 winner in September. To get