
Big Brother 25 spoilers: Eviction target, Veto Meeting plans

Big Brother 25 spoilers reveal who has been targeted for eviction this week. Jared Fields became the latest Head of Household by winning a trivia competition. Jared then set his sights on breaking up the duo of Cameron Hardin and Red Utley. The primary target for eviction was Cameron, and he knew it after his


Jared calls America the R-word, Big Brother fans react

Another Big Brother controversy has surfaced about word choice. Previously, Luke Valentine got expelled for using the N-word. And now Jared Fields has used the R-word to describe another houseguest. Jared confronted Cory Wurtenberger while Izzy Gleicher was there. He apologized to Cory for using the R-word to describe America Lopez, calling it a “slip


Big Brother 25 veto results: Power of Veto winner revealed

The Big Brother 25 veto results from Week 5 are in. Six people played for the Power of Veto on Saturday (September 2). Jared Fields is the current Head of Household after winning a trivia challenge. Jared nominated Cameron Hardin and Red Utley for eviction at his Nomination Ceremony. Matt Klotz, Felicia Cannon, and America


Big Brother live feed spoilers: Cory pushes showmance under bus

Big Brother 25 has featured a second showmance, with the duo sharing many secrets. America Lopez and Cory Wurtenberger have spent nearly every night of the past week cuddling in some format. They even got in trouble with Cirie Fields for staying up too late. Yes, Cirie got mad at them for staying up later


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Jag and Blue develop a bold plan

Intriguing Big Brother 25 spoilers have been revealed on the live feeds. Jag Bains and Blue Kim are ready to make moves after spending a week on the block. Blue figured out that Cirie Fields is calling the shots in the Big Brother house and has developed a plan to combat it. Cirie pushed to


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Shots fired with new nominees

New Big Brother 25 spoilers come from the live feeds on Friday night. The Nomination Ceremony happened on September 1, with the new Head of Household making a bold move. It was an eventful episode on August 31, with the BB25 cast voting to evict Jag Bains. Matt Klotz used his superpower to save Jag,


Big Brother alum tries to date chess star Andrea Botez

Andrea Botez recently tried blind dating some suitors, and one of them was a Big Brother alum. Alexandra Botez set it up so that her sister could date seven suitors, and they used it as a video for content on their YouTube channel. The Botez sisters are well-known for their online chess content and social


Big Brother live feed spoilers: A new plan by the new HOH

The Big Brother live feeds have provided some expected spoilers from the overnight hours. Thursday night featured a new episode of Big Brother 25, but it ended with a twist. Jag Bains got unanimously evicted from the house, but a Comic-verse twist happened before he could exit. Matt Klotz had previously won the BB Power


Big Brother 25 spoilers: A new HOH after superpower reveal

Big Brother 25 spoilers now reveal the Week 5 Head of Household. Soon after Jag Bains was evicted, the remaining members of the BB25 cast played for power. Fans who tuned into the August 31 episode also saw the superpower used by Matt Klotz. It meant Jag got to stick around, and he may be


Big Brother 25 spoilers: Superpower results and eviction vote

The August 31 episode of Big Brother featured an important Eviction Ceremony. Blue Kim and Jag Bains were on the block and at risk of going home. Cameron Hardin had been the Head of Household for the week, and he was close to succeeding in his goal to send Jag packing. When Red Utley won